• phpFox 4.5+

Here is the example structure of Install.php:

namespace Apps\PHPfox_Core;

use Core\App;
use Core\App\Install\Setting;

class Install extends App\App
    protected function setId()
        $this->id = 'PHPfox_Core';//Set ID for your app. This action is required.
    protected function setSupportVersion()
        $this->start_support_version = '4.4.0';//Start support version
        $this->end_support_version = '4.5.0';//End support version

    protected function setAlias()
		//Set alias for your app

    protected function setName()
        $this->name = 'phpFox Core';//Set Name for your app, this name will display in manage apps (admincp)

    protected function setVersion()
        $this->version = '4.0.1';//Set version for your app

    protected function setSettings()
        //Define settings for your app

    protected function setUserGroupSettings()
		//Define user group settings for your app

    protected function setComponent()
		//Define component for your app

    protected function setComponentBlock()
		//Define component block for your app

    protected function setPhrase()
        //Add more phrase for your app. However, for mow please define in phrase.json

    protected function setOthers()
		//Set other information for your app
        $this->_publisher = 'phpFox'; //Your company name
        $this->_publisher_url = 'http://store.phpfox.com/';//Your company website


These are all information you can define for your app:

1$this->id = "your_app_id"

This is your app ID, it must be the same folder name stored your app.

Space is not allowed. This ID can't change.

2$this->alias = "your_app_alias"

This value is used for: admincp url, block name, component name, ajax name,...

This value must be lower case and no space.

If your app is simple, this value can be empty.

3$this->name = "your app name"The name of your app, it will display in manage app in admincp
4$this->version = "your.app.version"Version of your app. It has to follow version naming convention.
5$this->icon = "your_app_icon"

Define Icon of your app. We support 3 ways to define your app icon:

  • Image link: Put image link of your icon here.
  • Font awesome class: Put font awesome class here: it will display icon from font awsome.
  • Icon image: Don't set or set empty this value, we will get file "icon.png"
6$this->admincp_route = "default admincp route"Default page of your app in admincp
7$this->admincp_menu = []Your app menu in admincp

Add a menu for your app on main menu bar

13$this->settingsYour app's settings
14$this->user_group_settingsYour app's user groups settings
16$this->databasedatabase table for your app
20$this->start_support_versionOlder phpFox version your app can support
21$this->end_support_versionLatest phpFox version your app can support
22$this->phraseadvanced phrases
23$this->_publisherYour company name
24$this->_publisher_urlYour company home page
25$this->_admin_cp_menu_ajaxSet true: menu in adincp will load by ajax; false: menu will load by refresh page. Default is true

Define in bold is required