Integrate social network core features

Core Social Network features include features: Activity Feed, Comment, Like, Share, Report, Feature, Sponsor...

The minimal requirements for that functions to works, resource listing, and detail API need to response Extra permission and Feed Param schema.

The following image is an example response of PostResource


Integrate Activity Feeds

Activity feed on Native Mobile App is control by Feed API




Control Main Activity Feed Embed response

By default, if resource name and feed type id storage in the database is the same. We just need to implement ActivityFeedInterface interface of related API Service to control the output.

The example below:

class PostApi extends AbstractResourceApi implements ActivityFeedInterface, MobileAppSettingInterface
     * Get for display on activity feed
     * @param array $feed
     * @param array $item detail data from database
     * @return array
    public function getFeedDisplay($feed, $item)
        $categoryCond = [
            'post_id' => []
        /** @var PostCategoryApi $categoryReducer */
        $categoryReducer = $this->getCategoryApi();
        $categoryCond['post_id'][] = $item['post_id'];
        $item['categories'] = $categoryReducer->reduceQuery([
            'post_id' => $item['post_id']
        return $this->processRow($item)
            ->toArray(['resource_name', 'module_name','id','title','categories','description','image']);


Control other activity feed type

If the feed type id cannot map with any resource API service. We can create a custom feed type to control the output.


  1. Create Custom Feed class extends from Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Resource\FeedEmbed\FeedEmbed

  2. Implement toArray() feature
  3. Update Hook "mobile_api_routing_registration.php" to register to map the new Custom Feed

Example implement of custom feed embed

namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Feed;
class CustomFeedEmbed extends FeedEmbed
    public function toArray()
        $resource = \Phpfox::getService('mobile.some_resource_api')
            ->loadResourceById($this->feedData['item_id'], true);
        if ($resource) {
            return $resource->getFeedDisplay();
        return [];

Modify hook "mobile_api_routing_registration.php" and add the following code to map feed type id store in database with new custom feed handler

    ->addEmbedTypes('post_special_feed_type', \Apps\Posts\Api\Feed\CustomFeedEmbed::class);
 * If API resource name is different with Phpfox app's alias.
 * we need add map resource_name (in this case is "post") with app_alias as following example
$this->specialModules['post'] = 'app_alias_name';


Integrate Like, Comment features

If like, comment features are working on the website and you have implement resource response same as above the features will works

If your resource name and comment, like type in PHPFOX system or different, you can override in resource

class PostResource extends ResourceBase
    public function getCommentTypeId()
        return "post";
    public function getLikeTypeId()
        return "post";