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ChatPlus will use Firebase to send push notifications on MetaFox mobile apps for new messages.

You will need to configure 2 settings: Firebase Sender ID and Firebase Server Key in AdminCP Dashboard > App Settings > ChatPlus > Settings

Thus, you'll need to obtain the Sender ID and Server Key in your Firebase project. Here's a step-by-step guide to obtaining them:

Create a Firebase Project

Go to the Firebase Console, and sign in with your Google account.
Click on "Add project" to create a new Firebase project.
Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your project.

Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

In the Firebase Console, navigate to the "Cloud Messaging" tab from the left sidebar.
Follow the on-screen instructions to enable FCM.

Find the Sender ID and Server Key

In the Firebase Console, go to the "Project settings" by clicking the gear icon at the top left.

Switch to the "Cloud Messaging" tab, you'll find the Server key and Sender ID . 

That's it! You've successfully obtained the Sender ID and Server Key from your Firebase project. With these keys, you can  configure them in your MetaFox site.

Remember to keep the Server Key secure, as it grants access to sending messages to your app's users.

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