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  • On the right you'll see a list of phrases and in the far right column, an input box to type a phrase to search. In that input, type Friends.

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  • Below the input box are some selections for where to search. We can choose: Phrase Text Only, Phrase Variable Name Only, Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name. Choose Phrase Text Only.

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  • Below that is View More Search Options. Click that to open advanced search options. Choose English for the language package, All Phrases, Module choose User, for the rest of the options, choose what you want for this tutorial.
  1. Language Packages - allows you to search specific language packs you have installed.
  2. Phrases - allows you to search translated, not translated or all phrases.
  3. Module - allows you to narrow the search to a specific module.
  4. Display - allows you to choose how many results to see per page.
  5. Sort by - you can sort by Time/Phrase ID#, and you can sort Ascending or Descending.


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  • Click Submit to search for the phrase and results will show.
If you don't see results, make sure you didn't put a module in the text input field such as user.friends as that will make the search not work. You select the module in the filters shown above.