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File/Folder NameDescriptionRequired
/assets/banners/Will hold any banners an Admin uploads to your theme.No
/assets/favicons/If an Admin changes the site favicon, it will be placed here.No
/assets/logos/Logos uploaded by Admins are added here.No

If your theme requires Javascript you can use this file for that.


phpFox uses jQuery as its default Javascript library.

autoload.cssCSS for your theme.yes

If you wish to work with LESS, phpFox supports compiling less variables from the
variables.less file. If you use this file, make sure your IDE or Text Editor supports
compiling LESS files to CSS. 

Additional information on how to work with phpFox and LESS can be found here.


Store your LESS variables here if you plan to use autoload.less.

You can find default variables from our Bootstrap theme, located at
PF.Site/flavors/bootstrap/assets/variables.lessFor additional information about LESS variables, check out our variable list.

/html/layout.htmlYour HTML goes here and we use Twig as our template
theme.jsonJSON variables used to load your theme in phpFoxyes
theme.pngScreenshot of your theme, which is displayed in the AdminCP.yes


Disable CSS Caching

When you are working with your theme it might be easier to make sure the browser does not cache your CSS changes. To get this working, navigate to the folder PF.Base/file/settings/. In that folder, if you don't have this file create a new file called debug.sett.php. Paste the following 

Code Block
define('PHPFOX_NO_CSS_CACHE', true);


These 2 PHP constants will tell phpFox not keep your CSS files fresh and to skip the template caching.