Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Cannot send message in Chat
  2. Cannot load page after sharing album successfully 
  3. Cannot delete comment on album detail
  4. Cannot upgrade app
  5. Cannot delete forum categories
  6. Facebook Login button Visible even the Facebook Module is Disabled
  7. Users can not register
  8. Relationship statuses - Add new status show error page
  9. Duplicate menu when upgrade app
  10. Layout issue when input long text
  11. Main categories do not align if have sub categories
  12. Cannot update user profile if don't have permission to edit custom fields 
  13. Create new feed after edit the feed successfully 


  1. Update _p function to support apps from 3rd Developers
  2. Improve layout of feed when sharing an album in album detail page
  3. Improve layout of single comment page
  4. Automatic clear cache after disable/enable an app.
