Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 4.2.1


  • Release Date: April 12, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0

Bugs Fixed

  • Cannot paste content to CKEditor in mobile.

Changed Files

  • M Install.php
  • M assets/ckeditor/*
  • M assets/ckeditor_basic/*
  • M assets/ckeditor_full/*

Version 4.2.0


  • Release Date: January 9th, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0

Bugs Fixed

  • Bullets and numbers aren't aligned.
  • Emoji's are always inserted at the beginning in CKEditor.


  • Enable setting Allow HTML when install app.
  • Allow admin can chose CKEditor package to use on their site.
  • Check compatible with phpFox core and porting apps 4.6.0.

Changed Files

  • M Install.php
  • M
  • M assets/autoload.css
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • A assets/autoload.less
  • M assets/ckeditor/*
  • A assets/ckeditor_basic/*
  • A assets/ckeditor_full/*
  • M
  • A hooks/bundle__start.php
  • M hooks/forum.component_ajax_reply.php
  • M hooks/get_editor_end.php
  • M hooks/set_editor_end.php
  • A installer.php
  • A uninstall.php
  • M views/admincp.html

Version 4.1.4


  • Release Date: August 29, 2017
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.5.2

Bugs Fixed

  • Does not load CKeditor when edit an event.
  • Support other modules/apps.


  • core-CKEditor/assets/autoload.js
  • core-CKEditor/hooks/get_editor_end.php

Version 4.1.3


  • Release Date: April 17, 2017
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.5.2

Bugs Fixed

  • Cannot use CKEditor if bundle JS is enabled
  • The cursor always focuses on top when users open Emoji cheat sheet
