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Your social network is just like your business, and a successful business does bring you money. Monetizing a social network doesn’t have to be hard. Membership subscription is a great way to earn money from your great user-base, your great content, and your specific features.  When you create a membership subscription in phpFox, you can create custom a user group that can do special things that other user groups cannot do and you can charge for these features. With the membership subscription enabled, you can start making money with your social network right away.


Feature List

Front End

  1. View subscription packages
    • A user can view all subscription packages on site which info: "User Group on Success" is different with the current user's user group, the currently used package (if any) is also displayed for a user to compare with others
    • Each package shows info: Icon, Package Title, Price, Recurring Period, Description, button "Select Plan" (For packages that current logged user is using, show label "You are currently using this" instead)
    • Can be able to view in a comparison among the packages
  2. Purchase New Package
    • User can purchase a package using Activity Points or payment gateways
  3. View "My subscriptions"
    1. This page show all subscriptions purchased by the current logged user
    2. User can filter subscriptions by Package Title, Status
    3. Have pagination, each page contains 10 items
    4. Each subscription shows: Subscription ID, Icon, Package, Cost, Membership, Status, Activation Date, Expiration Date
    5. User can view the subscription details page and cancel an active subscription at anytime 

Back End

  1. View All Subscription Plans
    1. Admin can search plans by Package Title, Package Type (One Time/Recurring) or Package Status
    2. Have a button for admin to Create New Package Plan
    3. For each subscription plan, admin can Edit, Mark as Most Popular, View Subscriptions or Delete Package
    4. Can view statistics about each status Active, Expired, Cancelled in a specific time period (Last 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days) or custom a date range
  2. Add New Subscription Plan
    1. Admin set info: Title, Description, Photo, Price
    2. Admin can choose to create recurring or non-recurring plans. A recurring plan can have some built-in options: monthly, quarterly, biannually
    3. Admin can choose a background color for subscription plans. This will be used at page "Subscription Packages"
  3. View Subscriptions
    1. Admin can view list of subscriptions
    2. Admin can search by Username/Email, Subscription ID, Package Title or Subscription Status
    3. Admin can filter data by date range depends on the Subscription Status
    4. Admin can activate a subscription which status is Pending Payment
  4. Build Comparison
    1. Admin can build a comparison table for all active packages
    2. Admin can add new features to the comparison table, each feature of a package can be icon Yes/No or a text
    3. Admin can re-order features
    4. Admin can edit feature
  5. Settings
    1. Admin can allow user to subscribe packages
    2. Admin can choose whether or not users must choose a package when they register a new account
  6. Cancel Reasons
    1. Admin can define some cancelling reasons for users to choose if they want to cancel their subscriptions
    2. Admin can delete reason and choose to move the cancel subscription to default reason or choose a reason
    3. Admin can edit the reason title