Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 4.6.2


  • Release Date: October 19, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.0 or later

Fixed Bugs

  • Can re-sponsor an pending song/album.

  • Show duplicate on sponsored block when re-sponsor a denied item.

  • Manage sponsorships: Click count isn't updated when clicking on a sponsored feed

  • Block Manager in ACP: Missing phrase.

  • New music app adds to playlist on mobile device hidden.

  • Admin can not Sponsor In Feed a song of other user.

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/RowsBlock.php
M Install.php
M Service/Album/Album.php
M Service/Album/Process.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Genre/Genre.php
M Service/Genre/Process.php
M Service/Music.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/main.less
M phrase.json
M start.php
M views/block/mini-feed-entry.html.php
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/RowsBlock.php
M Install.php
M Service/Album/Album.php
M Service/Album/Process.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Genre/Genre.php
M Service/Genre/Process.php
M Service/Music.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/main.less
M phrase.json
M start.php
M views/block/mini-feed-entry.html.php

Version 4.6.1


  • Release Date: October 02, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.0 or later

Fixed Bugs

  • Show error page when disabling feed module

  • Not show exactly profile picture after adding songs in All songs, My songs, Friend's songs

  • Clicked number in manage sponsorships not change after click sponsor item in a sponsored block.

  • The site does not work if disabling Page app

  • Response ajax link goes wrong when un-sponsoring item

  • Show Add a playlist button when disable "Can add new playlist?" setting

  • Layout issue in Album and Playlist Detail in IE, Firefox

  • Not show success message popup when a user sponsor another user's song

  • Upload new song: Publish song even not click on the Finish button yet

  • Playlist: Not have drop-down action like an album

  • Playlists: Show wrong title for "All playlists" page

  • Search: Switch to All playlists tab while searching in My playlists

  • Guests can not see All playlists

  • Not show success message popup when a user sponsor/un-sponsor another user's album


  • Add new setting to disallow/allow app to post on Main feed when add new item. (default is allow)

  • All playlists/My playlists - Should show information like album

  • Ability to save tracks to own playlist

  • Add All Playlist and allow comment on playlist detail

Version 4.6.0


  • Release Date: January 09, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0

Fixed Bugs

  • Upload new songs: show unknown error when upload an over size file than the limit of server.
  • Song privacy: user can play a privacy song in album.
  • Some layout issues with right-to-left language.


  • Support search albums in global search.
  • Support CKEditor for description fields of songs/albums.
  • Support drag/drop, preview, progress bar when users upload songs, photos.
  • Allow admin can change default photos of songs and albums.
  • Validate all settings, user group settings, and block settings.
  • Improve layout for all pages and blocks.

Changed Files

  • Ajax/Ajax.php
  • Block/AlbumRowsBlock.php
  • Block/FeaturedAlbumBlock.php
  • Block/FeaturedBlock.php
  • Block/GenreBlock.php
  • Block/ListBlock.php
  • Block/NewAlbumBlock.php
  • Block/RelatedAlbumBlock.php
  • Block/SongBlock.php
  • Block/SponsoredAlbumBlock.php
  • Block/SponsoredSongBlock.php
  • Block/SuggestionBlock.php
  • Block/UploadBlock.php
  • Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
  • Controller/AlbumController.php
  • Controller/Browse/AlbumController.php
  • Controller/DownloadController.php
  • Controller/FrameController.php
  • Controller/IndexController.php
  • Controller/UploadController.php
  • Controller/ViewController.php
  • Install.php
  • Installation/Database/Music_Album.php
  • Installation/Database/Music_Song.php
  • Service/Album/Album.php
  • Service/Album/Process.php
  • Service/Callback.php
  • Service/Genre/Genre.php
  • Service/Genre/Process.php
  • Service/Music.php
  • Service/Process.php
  • assets/autoload.css
  • assets/autoload.js
  • assets/image/music_v02.png
  • assets/image/nophoto_song.png
  • assets/image/song_detail_bg.png
  • assets/jscript/mediaelementplayer/mediaelement-and-player.js
  • assets/main.less
  • hooks/bundle__start.php
  • hooks/user.template_block_setting_form.php
  • hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_music.php
  • phrase.json
  • start.php
  • views/block/album-rows.html.php
  • views/block/featured-album.html.php
  • views/block/featured.html.php
  • views/block/genre.html.php
  • views/block/list.html.php
  • views/block/menu-album.html.php
  • views/block/menu.html.php
  • views/block/mini-album.html.php
  • views/block/mini-entry.html.php
  • views/block/mini-feed-entry.html.php
  • views/block/mini.html.php
  • views/block/new-album.html.php
  • views/block/related-album.html.php
  • views/block/rows.html.php
  • views/block/song-genres.html.php
  • views/block/song.html.php
  • views/block/sponsored-album.html.php
  • views/block/sponsored-song.html.php
  • views/block/suggestion.html.php
  • views/block/track-entry.html.php
  • views/block/track.html.php
  • views/block/upload-photo.html.php
  • views/block/upload.html.php
  • views/controller/admincp/add.html.php
  • views/controller/album.html.php
  • views/controller/browse/album.html.php
  • views/controller/index.html
  • views/controller/index.html.php
  • views/controller/upload.html.php
  • views/controller/view-album.html.php
  • views/controller/view.html.php



Var name





Can download songs?

Admin can control which user groups have permission to down load songs

Version 4.5.3p1


  • Release Date: September 29, 2017
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.5.3

Fixed Bugs

  • Process bar is not working when upload songs
  • Doesn't show item actions in listing page if the viewer doesn't have mass permission

Changed Files

  • assets/autoload.js
  • assets/main.less

Version 4.5.3


  • Release Date: September 19, 2017
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.5.3
