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Product Information

- Current Version: 4.6.01

Feature List

1 . All Blogs:

- Contain all blogs which the viewer has permission to view
- Each blog has title, created date, owner, some lines of description, statistics of views and likes
- Owner can perform some actions on blog as edit / delete / sponsor my blog/ sponsor in feed
- Moderators can perform some actions on blog as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature
- Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
- Has 2 blocks: Featured Blogs, Sponsored Blogs
- Can search blogs by keyword, filter blogs by some criteria
- Classify blogs by categories

2 . My Blogs

- Display blogs uploaded by this user
- User can see total his / her blogs in main menu section
- Has label for pending / draft blogs

3 . My Draft Blogs

- Display all draft blogs of this user
- User can see total his / her draft blogs in main menu section
- Can publish blog directly on listing page

4 . Pending Blogs

- Display all pending blogs need to be approved
- Moderators can use mass action to approve / delete them

5 . Add A Blog

- Integrate with CKEditor, Emoji and Attachments
- Allow owner to add thumbnail photo to blog
- Add content for blog, then publish blog immediately or save it as draft

6 . Blog Detail

- Users can perform some actions on blog as like, comment, share, report
- Can view content of blog as well as the total views and likes
- Support AddThis to share the blog on other networks
- Owner and moderators can manage blog
- Has Suggestion block to suggest blogs which have the same categories with the current one

7 . Back End - Settings

- Configure to use pagination or load more in search page 
- Configure to show/hide blogs which created in Page / Group on Blog app
- Configure SEO meta keywords and SEO meta description

12 . Back End - User Group Settings

- Configure all settings for each user group

13 . Back End - Manage Categories

- Can add, edit, delete, reorder categories
- Before deleting a category, admin can select another category to move all existed blogs

14 . Use global time stamp instead of having its own

15 . Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block

Related Materials

Page Tree