Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 4.7.15


  • Release Date: February 16, 2022
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.4

Bugs fixed

  • Global Search: User can still search Page although the setting "Can browse and view pages?" is disabled
  • Admin Page cannot view detail of the song although he has permission
  • Integrated with Chat plus site - User profile>>Pages - Online status dot is cut off
  • The warning message of menu is not correct
  • User can edit Page in "login as Page" state although they do not have permission
  • Profile photo of Page is broken in "login as Page" popup
  • The numbered/ bulleted list feature is not working on Widget block
  • The menu list is still shown although those are disabled by Page owner
  • The success message is not shown on Firefox browser after admin approves Page
  • Manage Categories: Missing breadcrumb after editing the category
  • My Pages: After owner updated Page with no categories then it is not shown on My Pages
  • Remove link from a feed that post on Page - Show meaningless notification for the poster
  • User profile > Liked Pages blocks - The tool-tip is not correct when others view your profile
  • Online status dot of ChatPlus is cut
  • Page: "Claim Page" function does not work when the "Messages" app is disabled
  • Invite Pending Page: Other users can view pending pages by inviting friends


  • User Profile: Hide block "Liked Pages" when the setting "Can browse and view pages?" is disabled
  • Hide option "Login as Page" when setting "Can browse and view pages?" is disabled
  • Manage Page: Invite: Support for Page owner is able to search friends by phone numbers to invite joining Page if the setting "Enable Registration using Phone Number" is enabled
  • Support integrate notification and email when creating items in Page
  • Add a setting that allows Page owner is able to turn on/off email notifications when someone posts in Page
  • When a member of Page tries to post a status then other members should also receive the notification and email of that post
  • Not use the alert message of browser when owner creates the widget/menu with empty data
  • Manage Page: Add message after owner drags and drops the widget/menu
  • Support checking integration permission for integrated apps
  • Not allow non-login user (guest) to delete Page without logging in even if the setting "Can delete all pages?" is enabled in the user group "Guest"
  • Members Tab: Change text in the confirmation popup when using Mass actions
  • Remove related Page Claim requests automatically if the user is assigned as the owner Page
  • Hide all feeds of Page when setting "Can browse and view pages?" is disabled
  • Add New Page: Should hide "Add Page" button if all categories in the site are disabled
  • AdminCP - Manage Categories: Should have the success message after admin drags and drops to change the order of category
  • Allow page owner to invite people via phone number to join Page

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/Menu.php
  • M Block/Profile.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/MembersController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • A Job/SendMemberNotification.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/invite.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M hooks/feed.service_feed_get_custom_module.php
  • M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
  • M hooks/job_queue_init.php
  • M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • M hooks/photo.service_process_approve__1.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/block/widget.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/widget.html.php

Version 4.7.14


  • Release Date: October 08, 2021
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.4

Bugs fixed

  • Some issues with Notification messages
  • Change unclear description of some settings
  • Wrong position of Cover Photo when editing
  • Can not view Page detail after switching "Friends Only Community" setting


  • Some improvements for editing Page
  • Change text of confirmation messages for some actions
  • Not allow to view item link if those items are not integrated into Page
  • Validate value of some settings
  • Prevent XSS attack
  • Improvement for showing Map in Page Info

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/Category.php
  • M Block/PageFeedBlock.php
  • M Block/ReassignOwner.php
  • M Block/SearchMember.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/ClaimController.php
  • M Controller/FrameController.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Installation/Version/v461.php
  • A Service/Api.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • A assets/invite.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • A hooks/photo.service_process_approve__1.php
  • A hooks/phpfox_assign_ajax_browsing.php
  • A hooks/route_start.php
  • M hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_pages.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M start.php
  • M views/block/cropme.html.php
  • M views/block/link.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/block/reassign-owner.html.php
  • M views/block/search-member.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/claim.html.php
  • M views/controller/all.html.php
  • M views/controller/index.html.php
  • M views/controller/view.html.php

Version 4.7.13


  • Release Date: May 18, 2021
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.4

Bugs fixed

  • Can not redirect to page content of menu after clicking on the menu
  • Wrong email content of reassigning owner
  • Some minor layout issues


  • Support review photo for profile and cover before publishing
  • New email subject and content settings
  • Improvements for language phrases

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/Cropme.php
  • M Block/Photo.php
  • M Controller/PhotoController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • D hooks/profile.template_block_upload-cover-form.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/category.html.php
  • M views/block/cropme.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/controller/index.html.php

Version 4.7.12


  • Release Date: March 01, 2021
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.2

Bugs fixed

  • Missing photo of page user in avatar of feed when disable setting "Keep Files In Server"
  • Does not auto join Page after the user have been assigned to owner
  • Redundant mass action when no having data
  • Missing email when mentioning friend in a Page status
  • Some issues when editing thumbnail


  • Allow set default value for Page permissions
  • Apply leave page confirmation on manage pages

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/Cropme.php
  • M Controller/PhotoController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M hooks/feed.service_feed_get_custom_module.php
  • M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
  • M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/cropme.html.php
  • M views/block/reassign-owner.html.php
  • M views/block/search-member.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/widget.html.php

Version 4.7.11


  • Release Date: November 09, 2020
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.8.2

Bugs fixed

  • Can not view Page detail after switch Friends Only Community setting


  • Hide all posts of Page in Home Feed of non-member
  • Add 'Report' action on status which posted on Page

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/PhotoController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • A hooks/feed.service_feed_get_custom_module.php
  • A hooks/module_getcomponent_start.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/controller/add.html.php

Version 4.7.10


  • Release Date: September 30, 2020
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6

Bugs fixed

  • Fix issues

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M views/block/menu.html.php

Version 4.7.9


  • Release Date: August 31, 2020
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6

Bugs fixed

  • Minor layout issue on Menu


  • Support manage menu item

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/WidgetController.php
  • M Install.php
  • A Installation/Database/PagesMenuTable.php
  • M
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/controller/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/widget.html.php

Version 4.7.8


  • Release Date: July 06, 2020
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6


  • Support PHP 7.4

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Installation/Database/PagesTable.php
  • M Installation/Version/v474.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Category.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php

Version 4.7.7


  • Release Date: November 21, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6


  • Have a new Liked Pages page.
  • Show Liked Pages when enabling Friends Only Community setting.

Changed files

  • M Block/Menu.php
  • M Block/Profile.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Browse.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Category.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/block/sponsored.html.php
  • M views/controller/all.html.php
  • M views/controller/index.html.php

Version 4.7.6


  • Release Date: July 30, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6

Bugs fixed

  • Sharing a pages widget on Facebook shows a blank image #2713

Changed files

  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/page-feed.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php

Version 4.7.5


  • Release Date: June 11, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.6


  • Some minor improvements.

Bugs fixed

  • Shift+Break is not retained in widget CKEditor #2677

Changed files

  • M Block/PageFeedBlock.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M
  • M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/category.html.php
  • D views/block/link-listing.html.php
  • M views/block/link.html.php
  • M views/block/page-feed.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/integrate.html.php
  • M views/controller/all.html.php
  • M views/controller/index.html.php

Version 4.7.4


  • Release Date: April 16, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.7.4


  • Support to add a comment on feed items of Page profile/cover feed item.

Bugs fixed

  • Edit category/sub-category - Not change on categories block until clearing cache.
  • Page Admins: cannot find users that changed their username #2610.
  • Sharing internal links to pages on status doesn't show any thumbnail image #2054

Changed files

  • M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/PhotoController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • A Installation/Version/v474.php
  • M Job/GenerateMissingThumbnails.php
  • M
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M Service/Type.php
  • M
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • M hooks/photo.set_cover_photo_for_item.php
  • M installer.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/photo.html.php

Version 4.7.3


  • Release Date:  Mar 5, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.4 or later


  • Support to edit status feeds with Links.
  • Add a setting to display the created date of Pages #2533.

Bugs Fixed

  • Feed item of a Page status still display after deleted

  • Number of likes is not decreased if site admin deletes user account who is page's member #2564.

  • Names of Page Admin are not changed if they change their profile names #2568.

  • Changing page avatar will also apply to page cover photo #2571.

  • Have duplicated notification to the owner when posting a status on Page detail.

  • The page name is missed in mail title when a user post link on a page.

  • After Admin approved for Claim page, info on Page Admin group is not updated untilthe cache is cleared.

  • When deleting a page status with a link, page status still displays until refreshed.

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/Menu.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Pages.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
M hooks/feed.service_process_deletefeed.php
M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
A hooks/user.service_process_update_1.php
M phrase.json
M views/block/menu.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php
M views/controller/index.html.php

Version 4.7.2


  • Release Date:  Jan 17, 2019
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.1

Bugs Fixed

  • Site admin cannot claim pages.

  • Site admin cannot reassign owner to the site admin

  • Feeds - Not show the content in the feed when the user enters HTML tag.

  • Cannot create a pages subcategory within a newly created empty category (#2525).

  • Page detail - Click on Like -> Take a long time to action effect

  • Edit page - Set Landing page be Videos - Still show feed when access to a page

  • Invite people to like a page - Can select people who liked/be invited to send an invitation

  • Email shows wrong full name in subject and content when a user posting photo (#2549).

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/Menu.php
M Block/Photo.php
M Block/ReassignOwner.php
M Controller/AddController.php
M Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
M Controller/ViewController.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category.php
M Service/Pages.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.js
M hooks/friend.component_block_search_get.php
M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
M views/block/joinpage.html.php
M views/block/link.html.php
M views/block/menu.html.php
M views/block/reassign-owner.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php

Version 4.7.1


  • Release Date: Dec 18, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.1

Bugs Fixed

  • Page avatar thumbnail is not aligned when scrolling down.

Changed Files

M views/block/photo.html.php

Version 4.7.0


  • Release Date: Dec 13, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.7.1 or later


  • Have new layout of feed items

  • Remove unnecessary filers on Page Homepage

Bugs Fixed

  • Responsive Layout - Pages >> Members - Page title be hidden by the Search box

  • Responsive - Missed app icon on the main menu

  • Show all pages when "Friends Only Community" setting is enabled

  • Thumbnail cannot be saved when editing page.

  • AdminCP - Manage Sub-Categories - Breadcrumb is missing.

  • Search in Pending Pages will redirect to All Pages.

  • Page Manage - Photo - Edit thumbnail issues.

  • Page Manage - Widgets - Can not edit widget

  • Page Manage - Widgets - Table header has a wrong color.

  • Notification of assigning owner of a page has a wrong link

  • Pages Detail - Page's menu - the Active menu isn't highlighted

  • Show own pages in Friends' Pages list

  • Login as Page's admin - After unlike that page, still can manage page.

  • Show wrong feed after adding a page's admin

  • Can not retain size or position of pages avatar after upgrading.

  • Delete categories - Show wrong for parent categories on "Move to" categories.

  • Page members load wrong when clicking on paging.

  • Notification of transferring page has wrong links

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/AddPage.php
M Block/DeleteCategory.php
A Block/PageFeedBlock.php
M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
M Controller/FrameController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Install.php
A Installation/Version/v470.php
M Job/GenerateMissingThumbnails.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category.php
M Service/Pages.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Type.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
M hooks/core.template_block_upload_form_action_1.php
M installer.php
M phrase.json
M start.php
M views/block/add-page.html.php
M views/block/cropme.html.php
M views/block/delete-category.html.php
A views/block/page-feed.html.php
M views/block/photo.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/add.html.php

Version 4.6.2


  • Release Date: Aug 23rd, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.1b3 or later


  • Support fix profile menu on Material Template

  • Can add Feature and Sponsor for Pages

Bugs Fixed

  • Profile picture in Created Feed does not rotate as following the current page Profile picture

  • Can't view pages member

  • Can not add new page if disable feed module

  • User Profile - Page info still displaying banned word

  • Giving administrator privileges for pages you can add 2 same users with admin privileges

  • SEO - when you add description and keywords they dont show when view source

  • Re-assign Owner for Pages

  • Not show events in Page

  • Edit photo and then save thumbnail does nothing in pages

  • Activity point be decreased when delete a pending page

  • Not have notification emails for page owner when others like and post items on page

  • Displaying Group cannot be not found when click on Page profile's photo

  • Owner of Page received Email with wrong language when anyone have any actions (like, comment, posted items...) in it

  • Content be incorrect in User Group Settings in Pages app

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
A Block/Featured.php
M Block/Pending.php
M Block/Photo.php
A Block/ReassignOwner.php
A Block/Sponsored.php
M Controller/AddController.php
M Controller/Admin/IntegrateController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Controller/PhotoController.php
M Controller/ViewController.php
M Install.php
M Installation/Database/PagesTable.php
M Service/Browse.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category.php
M Service/Facade.php
M Service/Pages.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/main.less
M hooks/feed.service_process_addcomment__1.php
M hooks/link.component_ajax_addviastatusupdate.php
M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
M phrase.json
M start.php
D tests/Service/BrowseTest.php
D tests/Service/PagesTest.php
A views/block/featured.html.php
M views/block/link-listing.html.php
M views/block/link.html.php
M views/block/photo.html.php
A views/block/reassign-owner.html.php
A views/block/sponsored.html.php
M views/controller/add.html.php
M views/controller/all.html.php
M views/controller/index.html.php

Version 4.6.1


  • Release Date: May 17th, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox 4.6.x


  • Disable feature Share when login as pages.
  • Support fix profile menu on Material Template.

Bugs Fixed

  • Page meta description is not working when sharing a page in Facebook.
  • Delete page's feed works not correct.
  • Do not show photo after upgrade from V3.
  • Create popup - Buttons are not aligned on IE browser.
  • Feed does not parse [username] after edit feed.
  • Move the "Claim" button to drop down.
  • Show error after uploading a photo.
  • Add friend buttons disappear when changing tabs in member page.
  • Do not focus on the profile menu when selected on the integrated apps.

Version 4.6.0


  • Release Date: January 9th, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0


  • Allow users can re-claim after admin deny their claim.
  • Support drag/drop, preview, progress bar when users upload photos.
  • Validate all settings, user group settings, and block settings.
  • Improve layout of all pages and blocks.

New Features

  • Add Members tab in pages profile page.

New User Group Settings


Var name




Define how many minutes this user group should wait before they can add new group. Note: Setting it to "0" (without quotes) is default and users will not have to wait.

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/AddPage.php
  • M Block/Admin.php
  • M Block/Category.php
  • M Block/DeleteCategory.php
  • M Block/Like.php
  • M Block/Menu.php
  • M Block/Pending.php
  • M Block/PeopleAlsoLike.php
  • M Block/Photo.php
  • M Block/Profile.php
  • D Block/ProfilePhoto.php
  • A Block/SearchMember.php
  • M Controller/AddController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/Admin/IntegrateController.php
  • M Controller/FrameController.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • A Controller/MembersController.php
  • M Controller/PhotoController.php
  • M Controller/ViewController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Installation/Version/v453.php
  • A Installation/Version/v460.php
  • A Job/GenerateMissingThumbnails.php
  • M
  • M Service/Browse.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Category.php
  • M Service/Pages.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M Service/Type.php
  • M assets/autoload.css
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/autoload.less
  • A assets/img/default-category/default_category.png
  • A assets/img/default_pagecover.png
  • M assets/main.less
  • M
  • A hooks/bundle__start.php
  • M hooks/comment.service_comment_massmail__1.php
  • A hooks/core.template_block_upload_form_action_1.php
  • M hooks/friend.component_block_search_get.php
  • M hooks/get_module_blocks.php
  • A hooks/job_queue_init.php
  • A hooks/mail.component_ajax_compose_process_success.php
  • M hooks/photo.component_ajax_process_done.php
  • A hooks/photo.service_process_make_profile_picture__end.php
  • M hooks/run.php
  • A hooks/validator.admincp_settings_pages.php
  • A hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_pages.php
  • M installer.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M start.php
  • M views/block/add-page.html.php
  • M views/block/admin.html.php
  • M views/block/cropme.html.php
  • M views/block/delete-category.html.php
  • M views/block/joinpage.html.php
  • M views/block/like.html.php
  • M views/block/link-listing.html.php
  • M views/block/link.html.php
  • M views/block/login.html.php
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • M views/block/pending.html.php
  • M views/block/people-also-like.html.php
  • M views/block/photo.html.php
  • D views/block/profile-photo.html.php
  • M views/block/profile.html.php
  • A views/block/search-member.html.php
  • M views/controller/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/add.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/claim.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/index.html.php
  • M views/controller/all.html.php
  • M views/controller/index.html.php
  • A views/controller/members.html.php
  • M views/controller/view.html.php
  • M views/controller/widget.html.php

Version 4.5.3


  • Release Date: September 21st, 2017
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.5.3

Removed Settings


Var name





Show Page Admins

Move to setting of block Admin

New Settings


Var name





Pages Limit Per Category

Define the limit of how many pages per category can be displayed when viewing All Pages page.



Paging Type



Display pages profile photo within gallery

Disable this feature if you do not want to display pages profile photos within the photo gallery.



Display pages profile photo within gallery

Disable this feature if you do not want to display pages profile photos within the photo gallery.



Display pages cover photo within gallery

Disable this feature if you do not want to display pages cover photos within the photo gallery.



Pages Meta Description

Meta description added to pages related to the Pages app.



Pages Meta Keywords

Meta keywords that will be displayed on sections related to the Pages app.

Removed User Group Settings


Var name





Can moderate pages? This will allow a user to edit/delete/approve pages added by other users.

Don't use anymore, split to 2 new user group settings "Can edit all pages?", "Can delete all pages?"

New User Group Settings


Var name




Can edit all pages?



Can delete all pages?

Deprecated Functions


Class Name

Function Name

Will Remove In






Don't use anymore





Don't use anymore





Don't use anymore