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Assume that you can install Advertise app and enable it on your MetaFox site. We will guide you in creating Ads placement that define defines the price, pricing model (Pay per click, Cost per mile), and which roles can view ads of this placement.

In this article, we want to will add a an Ads placement on the Top Right Panel of the Home Feed page.

Let's log into your MetaFox site with the Super Adminitrator or Admin user. Then, go to AdminCP > App Settings > Advertise > Create New Placement. Then, fill all the details of Ads Placement as below screenshot.

We are configuring to charge users 1 EURO for 1000 views (CPM), and this Ads placement will be available for certain roles. You can let Viewable User Roles empty to make this ads placement available for all user roles.


Click on the Plus icon on the subside section to add a block into this area, as we would like Ads to display on the Top Right panel of this page.


Then, you can configure the Advertise block as the blow screenshot. Note that at the Placements field, choose the placement option we just created above. Then, click Save Changes to add this block.

The last step is we will save changes for Editor Mode and Publish Layout to rebuild the frontend web.

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Congratulation. We have done setup for a new Ads placement on the Home Feed. You can follow this procedure to add Ads placements for other pages of your MetaFox site.