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This guide will walk you through step by step to set up subscription packages on MetaFox site. Assume that the Subscription app has been installed successfully on your MetaFox site.

Let's log into your MetaFox site with the Admin user. Then go to AdminCP > App Settings > Subscription . Click on the Create New Package link.

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In the Create New Package form, you will need to fill in details of the Subscription package as below:

  • Title: The name of your Subscription package
  • Description: Explanation about the subscription package
  • User Role on Success: Select a certain role that users will be assigned to when using this Subscription package.
  • Available For User Roles: select roles whose users can see and purchase this new subscription package
  • Enable on Registration: Check to allow this subscription package on the Registration form
  • Active: Check to make this subscription package active. Inactive packages won't be displayed to users.
  • Package that this package can be upgraded to: (optional) Choose other subscription packages that the user using this subscription package can be upgraded to
  • Free package? : Check if this subscription package is free
    • Price: If package isn't free, configure its prices with available currencies
  • Recurring package: Check if this subscription package is a recurring plan.
    • Renew type: Automatically or Manually
    • Recurring period
    • Recurring price
    • Number of days to notify users before subscription expiry

Once all details have been filled in, click the Create button to complete the Create procedure for the Subscription package.

You will see your new subscription package in the AdminCP > App Settings > Subscription > Manage Packages page.

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You can go ahead to create all necessary Subscription packages of your community.

Enable Subscription packages for users to purchase

After adding subscription packages, you will need to enable Subscription package on frontend by enabling the Enable Subscription package setting in AdminCP > App Settings > Subscription > Settings

Then, your active subscription packages will be displayed to user on the frontend as below

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That's all. You just completed the setup for Subscription packages.