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This tutorial will show you how to add and manage Announcements for your site. These are on-site announcements and are not sent out by emails (Newsletter). These show based on the settings you set when creating the Announcement. 


Excerpt Include
Enabling Short Urls
Enabling Short Urls


To manage Announcement, please go to your AdminCP, Click Apps


>> Installed  >> Announcement.

Adding an Announcement

  • To make a new announcement, click New Announcement on the top right of the screen.
    Image Removedtab. Fill in the Subject for this Announcement for each language you have installed.

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  • Fill in the Intro text, for each language you have installed, which is usually just a short introduction to the announcement.


  • Image Added
  • Fill in the Announcement main text now for each language installed.

  • Set Toggle button to Display Options to Active Yes/No depending on whether you want to activate it now or post it later.
    Image Removed
  • Style Info
    Image Removed
  • Can be Closed
    Image RemovedActivate/Deactivate Display options, select style.
    Image Added
  • Toggle button if an announcement can be closed then select the starting date
    Image Added
  • Set the Start Date and Time.
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  • Target Viewers - select from the drop-down menu which user groups you want to be shown this announcement or leave it to All User Groups.


Editing, Deleting, Enabling or Disabling Announcements

  • To Edit or Delete an announcement, Go to Manage Announcement, click to the left of it and choose either Edit or Delete.


  • setting icon of the announcement you want to modify. Toggle button to disable

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  • To enable/disable an announcement, click the button to the far right of the announcement. Red is enabled and gray is disabled.


In order to allow users to close the announcements after they view it, you would need to go in the User Group Settings for each user group. Once in the user group settings screen from that linked tutorial, find the following:


go to UserGroup settings Tab then select the Group. Toggle button to allow users to close and browse announcements. the SAVE Changes.

  • Set to Yes or No the setting Are members of this user group allowed to close the announcements block on the dashboard?
  • Set to Yes or No the setting Can browse and view announcements? (this setting totally disables them from seeing any announcements if you set it to No)
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