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Versions Compared


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The Premium Mobile Code is only available on phpFox ULTIMATE license. In case you are holding other license types, please upgrade to phpFox ULTIMATE license first.

In this article, we assume that you already got the following knowledge:

  • How to use XCode to set up and build an Android app
  • How to create necessary iOS certifications to build an iOS app
  • How to configure a Firebase project for push notification on an iOS app.


Following tools / softwares need to be installed on your MacOS machine:

  • Install XCode 10+
    • In particular, for Mobile Code 1.4 or newer:
      • MacOS >= 10.14.4
      • XCode >= 10.2.0
  • Homebrew (for Mobile code 1.3 only)
  • CocoaPods
  • NodejsNodejs 

Install XCode

Visit and download stable XCode.


Code Block
#install dependencies. For the mobile code version 1.3 only.
cd MobileProject/
yarn install

Code Block
# install dependencies 
cd MobileProject/ios/
pod install

Configure your iOS app


Default file configuration.json will be as below:

Code Block
  "appName": "YourAppName",
  "bundleId": "com.yourcompany.phpfoxmobile",
  "shareExtensionId": "com.yourcompany.phpfoxmobile.ShareExtension",
  "groupId": "",
  "serverUrl": "",
  "clientId": "CLIENT_ID",
  "clientSecret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
  "versionName": "1.xx",
  "versionBuildNumber": xx,
  "facebookAppId": "FACEBOOK_APP_ID",
  "googlePlacesClientId": "GOOGLE_PLACES_CLIENT_ID",
  "googleAdMobAppIdstringKeyCodePush": "",
  "react-native-google-mobile-ads": {
    "ios_app_id": "GOOGLE_ADMOB_APP_ID,
    "delay_app_measurement_init": false
  "developmentTeam": "YOUR_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM",
  "firebaseEnabledAnalyticpingServerUrl": true"",
  "codeSignStyle": "AutomaticManual",
  "versionNamecodeSignIdentity": "1.x.x",
"versionBuildNumber": 2,
  "provisioningProfileSpecifier": "MAIN_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME",
  "shareExtensionProvisioningProfileSpecifier": "SHAREEXT_PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME",
  "targetedDeviceFamily": "1",
  "firebaseEnabledAnalytic": true,
  "theme": {
	"primaryColor    "splashScreenBackgroundColor": "#COLOR",
	"splashScreenBackgroundColor    "primaryColor": "#COLOR",
	    "grayBaseColor": "#111"
    "welcomeText": {
      "fontSize": 24,
      "color": "#FFF",
      "fontWeight": 400
    "welcomeImage": {
      "height": 48,
      "resizeMode": "contain"
  "enableAssociatedDomains": true,
  "associatedDomains": [
  "enableLiveStream": false,
  "enableRocketChat": true,
  "enableInAppPurchase": false,
  "enableAdmob": false,
  "enableAudio": false,
  "enableLog": false,
  "expose": {
    "NSAppleMusicUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your apple music.",
    "NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your bluetooth.",
    "NSCalendarsUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your calendar.",
    "NSCameraUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your camera. Without permission to use your camera, you could not take a photo or take a video while posting a photo or video in the status, profile, photo or video modules.",
    "NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your location address.",
    "NSMicrophoneUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to your microphone (for videos). Without permission to use your microphone, people could not hear you while watching a video you have taken.",
    "NSMotionUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your motion.",
    "NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to save photos to your gallery. Without this permission, you could not save a photo into your local storage.",
    "NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like access to your gallery to upload photos or videos from your local storage while using some functions.",
    "NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to recognize your speech.",
    "NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your location data. Without permission to use your location data, the Check-In feature or location sharing feature may not work.",
    "NSContactsUsageDescription": "$(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) would like to use your contacts data. Without permission to use your contacts data, the Audio/Video call feature may not work.",
    "NSUserTrackingUsageDescription": "This allows the $(APP_DISPLAY_NAME) app to provide you with the most relevant ads and content possible."

Here is our detailed explanation for items in this file


Follow the instruction at to get key for ios.

Follow the instruction at to get key for ios.



If you are using Mobile code version 1.4 or newer, you no longer need to install run Nodejs & Dependencies. This step can be bypassed.
