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Bring back feature to support flag photos for languages
01Add new setting "Secure with SSL or TLS" to configure mail server 
02Admins of site now have ability to add themselves to be page/group's admins 

Add some improvements on Photo app as following:

  • Change title/description of setting "Display Profile Photo within Gallery"into "Display User Profile Photos within Gallery" and apply this setting for profile photos only
  • Add new setting "Display User Cover Photos within Gallery"
  • Click on user cover photo / profile photo to go to photo detail page
04Breadcrumbs now only show the first, the second and the last level, the rest will be shown if clicking into "..." between them 

Allow user to expand or collapse a category to show hide hide all its sub-categories at Front End

  • Exemption for Pages and Groups App. The feature will be implemented in the standalone apps of Pages and Group after the release of 4.5.3.



Allow admin to configure which pagination will be applied to the listing page of each app. There are 3 options to select:  load more, next prev buttons, pagination with page number

07ReCaptcha app will be removed from 4.6.0 

(the feature hasn't applied for the core apps in package, it will be implemented in core stand-alone apps, such as Videos, all core apps will be ported soon.)

07Add the "Error 500" page 

Support new log system as following

  • Support cron log
  • Support error on screen in debug mode (development mode)
  • Support debug level
  • Support link to download log file 
09Have option to put all mail processes into message the queue 
1110Update the "crop" word in "Maximum image width keeps in server (in pixel). If image width user upload higher than this value will crop to this value" setting of Photo app into into "reduce" word 
12The email notification for like or comment on photo profile or album photo is displaying the var_name phrase 
13"Find missing phrases" feature at AdminCP is working wrong if the default language is not English 
1411Now user can reply a thread by using Reply buttons at the top or bottom of this thread 
12Increase timeout while installing apps from Store 
13Hide arrow down icon if the category does not have any sub forum / sub category 
1514Hide "Recent posts" block in a thread if user does not have permission to view thread content in Forum app 
1615Small improvement for layout at AdminCP 
1716Send notification to owner when item is sold 
1817Support flag photos for languages 
1918Increase time out when install apps from Store 
2019Show the confirm message if user wants to remove the cover photo on profile 
21Allow to change the addthis title and url in share.addthis block 
22Add the new page for admin to approve all pending comments at AdminCP --> Comment app 
2320Add one more step while upgrading / installing platform to check and list out all apps on Store which compatible with this version of platform and also are valid with the license of site. Admin can check to select which apps will be installed / upgraded during the upgrading / installing platform. These apps will be disabled while processing and then be enabled again after finish 
21Some improvements on Manage Pending Comments page. 
22User receives the notification when a claiming to a specific page is approved or denied 
2423User now can view more / less the content of a widget on page detail which was added by page's admin if the content is too long 
2524Clean up all special characters in all url of site 
2625Have new setting at Setting page of Event app to allow admin to select the default value for sorting all events by time. 
2726Hide the button to create new item (photo, music, event, friend list, etc) to users who do not have permission to perform this action at Front End 
2827Make the search icon on Forum is clickable 
2928Remove the ReCaptcha app from phpFox script. It is now published to StoreHide the privacy setting of a poll posted on a specific thread 
3029Allow admin to delete user's photo while editing the user information at AdminCP 
31Add new setting " "Display User Cover Photos within Gallery" and implement it as the setting "Display User Profile Photos within Gallery"  
3230Hide the relationship staus info on user profile if this field is blank 
31When user click on the cover photo on profile page, he / she will be redirected into photo detail page 
33Small improvements on the layout of AdminCP 
3432Allow users to check-in while sharing photo or video on feed (this feature will be applied on newest version of Videos and Photos) 
3533Allow admin to configure which block will be hidden on responsive size as well as the number of items will be shown on it 
3634Admins now have the ability to edit information of admin at AdminCP 
3735Allow to install new app using 38
 3936Update the description of the setting "Secure Image Display" 
37Moderators can approve individual pending event without using mass action on Pending Events page 
38Now owner will receive a notification once a sponsored item is approved / denied 
39Support CKEditor on custom pages at AdminCP 
40Tagged user will receive a notification when the associated comment is approved 
41Tagged user on event detail will receive a notification 
42The app will be updated automatically if admin click on the "Upgrade now" link on Manage Apps at AdminCP 
43Admin can decide which blocks will be shown/hidden on desktop, tablet or phone. Besides, they also can custom the blocks by updating some extra configurations (the configurations are depended on each block). Detail information here. 


01Force https causes issue on cloudfare, aws elb
02The notification number in red is hidden suddenly if there is new notification for new like or new comment on an item
03Could not install third party's themes on php 7.1.x
04Could not edit an event on php 7.1.x
05Do not translate the phrase in "Convert old groups" page at AdminCP of Group apps
06Missing thumbnail of group / page after upgrade phpfox from V3 to V4
07Do not delete items belonging to group / page which has been deleted
08Do not translate title of Group app and Facebook Base app
09Could not edit thumbnail if the image size is less than 400kb
10After the upgrade to version 4.5.2, users search in the admin panel whose names are written in Ukrainian or Russian stopped working
11IM does not work if the setting "Site Wide Notification" in Notification app is disabled
12User does not receive any notification when someone request him / her to become an admin of a specific page
13Cannot register or edit user_name that contains underscore
14The default time zone for guests and new users does not work properly
15Phrases for recurring pricing are incorrect in compare mode
16Layout issue happens while loading more items if the site has block 4
17Profile Cover Photo Distorted
18If the user group setting "Can browse and view pages" is "No" for a specific user group, all members belonging to this group will get the "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" error if they log in as page
19Could not upgrade some phpFox apps (as CKEditor) from store

Missing profile photo when try to tag users who signed up via Facebook


Notification show wrong phrase when users like profile photo album

22Could not upload photos if the site does not have "exif_read_data" function
23Error phrase occurs if sharing a profile picture to user's wall
24Error happens while creating a sticky / announcement in discussion section in a group

Core\Storage lib does not work with lite license

26Sometime the photo is getting narrower because the lack of a js file in built file

Feed shows wrong phrase when user shares profile photo album

28There are no language phrases for "Emoji" and "Emoji Cheat Sheet" in Emoji app
29The process to check the compatibility of apps with phpFox core does not work properly
30Tagging users in the comment of user's status is working wrong
31The url of an item detail is displaying wrong if there are some special characters in its title
32Title of some items do not wrap properly

Null results if search users by Location in "Find Friends" menu

34Could not install the app which file name or folder name contains app_id
35If the server is running php 7.1, the error 500 occurs in case admin accesses to the ban IP page (
36The extra dot which is being used to separate two information in profile popup / popup detail page is still showing although one of two information is hidden
37If user A posts a status to wall of other user and tag another one, the corresponding feed shows A twice
38Email to notify user that someone has just liked his / her relationship is showing the wrong link
39The "Page not found" is showing if clicking on any category in All Photos page while the "Force 4.04 check" setting is being actived
40Do not translation some words as: "Year" in music album detail, "Search" in some listing pages,
41Could not load user's avatar on notification panel while adding new side wide block in location 2 or 4 or 6 for google adsense
42The tagged user in a status with shared link will get wrong notifications if other users comment on that status
43Could not view site wide's blocks at AdminCP
44User could not edit the feed posted on other user's wall although the user has permission to do this
45The favicon is now loaded from local instead of
46Support multi languages for Countries
47Could not close the discussion in Page
48If we tag someone on feed, posts appear twice on our wall
49Layout issue while viewing user profile on IE

Following notification about a comment on a photo renders the site differently and some objects are missing

51Could not add a new setting whose type is "currency" which name is similar to a setting of old app
52If redis cache is enabled, the poke block is disappeared after poke back
53Always show 2 error icons in manage theme while editing html
54While sharing an event, the feed points to the user whose user_is is the same as event_id
55Could not hide the announcement at Front End

Email shows var_name when someone like a status in group in case the Pages app is disabled

57User doesn't receive notification when someone tag him / her in a video feed
58User could not delete items posted by other users on their wall / their pages / their groups
59CKEditor does not work on Window OS


Features will be removed in 4.6.0

ReCaptcha App 
60If click on "Get Started" button to create new page / group many times, system will send many ajax requests and can cause issue
61Users could not edit their feeds posted on walls of other users although they have permission
62Favicon will be loaded from local instead of
63If admin enables the security mode, the site could not install new app because the param "extraBase64" is blocked
64The email notification for like or comment on photo profile or album photo is displaying the var_name phrase
65"Find missing phrases" feature at AdminCP is working wrong if the default language is not English


Features no longer support since 4.5.3

01ReCaptcha AppWe have already supported "ReCaptcha" as a type of default Captcha app.

Deprecated features 4.5.3

NoFeatureDescriptionWill be remove in
01Manage Plugins page in AdmincpAfter re-analyze this feature, we decided that plugins should be controlled by the developers only, so we will hide all of them from admin view.4.7


01Install / UpgradeWhile installing / upgrading platform, phpFox allows admin to choose which apps from Store will be installed / upgraded along with the platform. However, because the newest version of Video and IM apps are so different to the previous ones, if admin wants to use these new apps, admin has to re-check all configurations as well as installation guide of them