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In order for users to create a new post


Tutorial 3: Add new Create Button and connect to create a new post Form

To able user create a new post, we need to add a button and navigate the a user to create the Create form.
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Step 1: Add a button to the app's home screen

Extends the PostApi::getAppSetting method in the previous tutorial as follows

Code Block


@param $param


@return MobileApp




public function getAppSetting($param)




	$app = new MobileApp('post', [


		'title' => 'Posts',


		'home_view' => 'menu',


		'main_resource' => new PostResource([])




	// Add create post button on App's home screen


	$app->addSetting('home.header_buttons', [


		'post' => [


				'icon' => 'plus',


				'action' => Screen::ACTION_ADD,


				'params' => [


				'resource_name' => 'post',


				'module_name' => 'post'


	return $app;

Step 2: Create the creation form

Native Mobile App allows


creating forms via API. The form API


returns the structure of a form


in JSON and base on the structure Mobile App automatic create a screen with form, fields and drive submit action.
The GeneralForm class as a base class


helps build forms and


handle submission, validation...


You can create a


Post form as


following code

Code Block


namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Form;


use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\GeneralForm;


use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\Type\SubmitType;


use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\Type\TextareaType;


use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\Type\TextType;


use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\Validator\StringLengthValidator;


class PostForm extends GeneralForm






Override build form to generate form


@return mixed


@internal param array $data




public function buildForm()






	->addField('title', TextType::class, [


		'label' => 'title',


		'placeholder' => 'fill_title_for_post',


		'required' => true


		], [new StringLengthValidator(5, 100)])


	->addField('text', TextareaType::class, [


		'label' => 'content',


		'placeholder' => 'add_content_to_post',


		'required' => true


		], [new StringLengthValidator(5)])


	->addField('submit', SubmitType::class, [


		'label' => 'submit',


		'value' => 1








In the above code, we have added 3 fields Title, Text and Submit button to a form. The field type decides which native component will be used to generate the form element on the Mobile


The Phpfox Mobile App has a lot of pre-defined form elements



Then, need to implement Get Form API of the current resource. Back to PostApi class and implement PostApi::form() method

Code Block


namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Service;


use Apps\Posts\Api\Form\PostForm;


use Apps\Posts\Api\Resource\PostResource;


class PostApi extends AbstractResourceApi implements MobileAppSettingInterface






	public function form($params = [])


		$form = $this->createForm(PostForm::class, [


			'title' => "Add a new post",


			'action' => UrlUtility::makeApiUrl('post'),


			'method' => 'post'




		return $this->success($form->getFormStructure());








Now check the Get Form API


with API


URL: "url/restful_api/mobile/post/form?access_token=token" and the API response


should be returned as below
API response with form's structure

Code Block


	"status": "success",


	"data": {


		"title": "Add a new post",


		"description": "",


		"action": "mobile/post",


		"method": "post",


		"fields": {


			"title": {


				"name": "title",


				"component_name": "Text",


				"required": true,


				"value": "",


				"returnKeyType": "next",


				"label": "Title",


				"placeholder": "Fill title for post"




			"text": {


				"name": "text",


				"component_name": "TextArea",


				"required": true,


				"value": "",


				"returnKeyType": "default",


				"label": "Content",


				"placeholder": "Add content to post"




			"submit": {


				"name": "submit",


				"component_name": "Submit",


				"label": "Submit",


				"value": 1


	"message": "",


	"error": null




Step 3: Handle form submission

Above form's structure has defined the action and the method,


it routes the form's submission to the corresponding API. Then the handling


code can be implemented in PostApi::create()



Code Block


/* PostApi.php code */




Create new document




@param $params


@return mixed


@throws \Exception




function create($params)




	// Create PostForm instance


	$form = $this->createForm(PostForm::class);


	// Get submitted values and validate


	if (($values = $form->getValues()) && $form->isValid()) {


		// TODO: Your business code to save the values as a new post to database


		$newPostId = 2;


		// Return success and needed information to communicate with Native Mobile App


		return $this->success([


			'id' => $newPostId,


			'resource_name' => 'post',


			'module_name' => 'post'




	return $this->validationParamsError($form->getInvalidFields());




Following image


shows the details of workflow between actions on Mobile App and Server API were recorded via


the Reatotron tool.
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Step 4: Handling update the post

Similar to


the workflow of creating a post,


the code of the API form structure can be


reused and the API call from the Mobile App will add ID parameter /post/form/post_id. The


Edit Post link will be defined in the action menu of each post.
The handling


Update submission can be implemented in PostApi::update() method.
