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In phpFox version 4.6.0, we have implemented a component to support build one-line menu. It means in case your menu items are so much and overflow the width of menu, they will be put in a dropdown list automatically. To use this component for your app, please follow the guideline that prepared in here.

Upload Files Component

In phpFox version 4.6.0, we introduce a new component to support upload files with drag/drop, progress bar, thumbnail preview... Please check this tutorial to find more detail information.

Paging on Blocks

From phpFox version 4.6.0, we have improved some core function to support you can paging items in blocks. If you want to use this feature for your app, please look this tutorial.

Support Bundle JS Files

From version 4.6.0, we have let developers control that their Javascript files can be bundled or not when Bundle JavaScript & CSS feature is enabled on the phpFox site. So, look over this tutorial in case you want apply this feature to your files.