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1Add "Delete" option to Mass Action in the detail detailed Page/Group > Photo Albums


Support Pending status will be shown when user posts something in page/ group/ user detail even in the Offline mode
3Automatically log out the banned accounts in the app
4Support 2-Step Verification
5Show Anti-Spam Question on the registration process
6Support the “Move Thread” feature for Forum
7Add Email/SMS Notification in Manage Group
8Chatplus - UI/UX Improvements in "Call native" screen
9Chatplus -  Add "Create group with <current user>" option in the conversation
10Chatplus - In the conversation, support mention mentions a user by username instead of full name
11Chatplus - Not allow user to open the Actions menu in a group chat or specific user when the app is in Offline mode
12Chatplus - Support "Call Again" feature in the conversation
13Live Streaming - Support Check-in, tag and mention friends when live streaming from Website
14Live Streaming - Allow admin to customize playback URLs





App is crashed when enabling the Music module on some devices
2App is crashed when scrolling on feed in the iPhone 6
3App is crashed when user taps on the "like" icon of the deleted page
4Firebase Messaging Receiver is triggered two times
5Video doesn't play after seeking/replaying in the Android app
6IM Chat with Firebase - User still see deleted message if it's not the latest message
7Chatplus - Cannot end call in iOS device
8Chatplus - In the Android's calling screen, cannot switch to the Picture-in-Picture mode
9Chatplus - If the image has been sent in the Offline mode, user cannot resend that image after the Internet connection was restored
10Chatplus - Cannot join a group call
11Chatplus - The quote quoted message is not shown in the conversation when a user replies to a message
12Live Streaming - Show a black screen after accessing the live screen from for the second time without killing the app when using the Android app
13Live Streaming - on the Android app, when preparing to go live, missing input text in the description when changing from portrait to landscape mode and vice versa
14Live Streaming - The banned users can continue the live streaming until reloading the page