Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Version 4.6.7


  • Release Date: June 07, 2023
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1


  • Admin can search users by phone number when assigning Forum Moderator
  • Improve Forum permission on Global search

Fixed Bugs

  • Fix some issues related to settings/user group settings of Forum in AdminCP
  • Some layout issues
  • Forum gets an error if Pages and Groups apps are disabled #3035

Changed Files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/ForumController.php
  • M Controller/RssController.php
  • M Controller/ThreadController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Api.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Forum.php
  • M Service/Post/Post.php
  • M Service/Post/Process.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Thread.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • M views/block/post-menu.html.php
  • M views/controller/forum.html.php

Version 4.6.6


  • Release Date: March 16, 2022
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1


  • UI/UX improvements 
  • Hide useless user group settings for Guest
  • Integrate notification and email when creating new item in Page
  • Hide actions (edit, move, copy...) of threads in closed forums
  • AdminCP >> Move setting "Can browse and view the forum module?" to the top

Fixed Bugs

  • Unable to search threads that have special characters
  • After user deleted their thread from My Threads page then the site is redirected to Forum home page
  • Group: Forum: User (creator) who has permission to view threads in Closed/Secret Group but cannot search that thread on global search
  • Subscribed Threads: Search feature does not work
  • New Posts: User is not a member of closed and secret groups but they can still see posts of thread in those.
  • My Threads: Filter by "Ascending" does not work
  • My Threads: Showing the latest thread is not correct
  • Message is not correct when filtering by "Show Posts"
  • No threads are shown when clicking on next page of paging
  • Page: User can create item (forum) inside Page although this module has not been integrated with page
  • Unable to edit pending threads which have been created inside Page/Group
  • Pending threads are not shown on My Threads page if those items are created by "log in as Page" user
  • Users can approve the deleted thread/post
  • Users can post thread with type "announcements" from closed forum
  • Page/Group: Forum: The feature of Move & Copy threads are not working inside Page/Group
  • The setting of Enable "Thanks" on posts are not working
  • User can edit posts with empty characters
  • Guest can access My Threads and Subscribed Threads pages
  • Text of confirm popup is not correct when deleting pending post
  • Duplicate thread when a user tries to sort thread by tag
  • Pending Threads: Search function does not work
  • User can edit the content of the post without inputting captcha
  • User can create poll inside thread although setting "Can browse and view pollsUser can create a thread although setting "Can browse and view the forum module?" is disabled?" is disabled
  • There is no email/notification sent to user after admin site assigns to Moderator role
  • Thread: "Copy thread" feature is not working correctly
  • Action Sheet: Count thread feature on action sheet does not work

Changed Files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Controller/ForumController.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/PostController.php
  • M Controller/ThreadController.php
  • M Install.php
  • A Installation/Version/v466.php
  • M
  • A Service/Api.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Forum.php
  • M Service/Moderate/Process.php
  • M Service/Post/Post.php
  • M Service/Thread/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Thread.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • A hooks/route_start.php
  • M hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_forum.php
  • M installer.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M start.php
  • M views/block/copy.html.php
  • M views/block/forum.html.php
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • A views/block/post-menu.html.php
  • M views/block/post.html.php
  • M views/block/reply.html.php
  • M views/controller/admincp/delete.html.php
  • M views/controller/forum.html.php
  • M views/controller/post.html.php
  • M views/controller/thread.html.php

Version 4.6.5


  • Release Date: July 05, 2021
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1


  • Support PHP 8.0
  • Show Warning message if users want to leave the site when they are adding new thread
  • Add new setting for Email Notification
  • Add new settings to allow Admins review and update all email contents

Fixed Bugs

  • Issue when disabled module Attachment
  • Issue with pending posts
  • Issue with Forum's permissions
  • Pending Announcement shows on threads listing
  • Group's admin/owner get emails with wrong language phrases when a new thread is posted on group
  • Some other minor bugs

Changed Files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/MergeBlock.php
  • M Block/RecentThreadBlock.php
  • M Controller/ForumController.php
  • M Controller/IndexController.php
  • M Controller/PostController.php
  • M Controller/ThreadController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Installation/Version/v460.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Forum.php
  • M Service/Moderate/Moderate.php
  • M Service/Post/Post.php
  • M Service/Post/Process.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M Service/Subscribe/Subscribe.php
  • M Service/Thread/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Thread.php
  • M assets/autoload.js
  • M assets/main.less
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/menu.html.php
  • M views/block/post.html.php
  • M views/block/recent-post.html.php
  • M views/block/thanks.html.php
  • M views/block/thread-detail.html.php
  • M views/block/thread-entry.html.php
  • M views/block/thread-rows.html.php
  • M views/controller/post.html.php
  • M views/controller/thread.html.php

Version 4.6.4


  • Release Date: August 31, 2020
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1

Fix bugs

  • Minor CSS issues
  • RSS Feed icon in Forum still displays although disabling "RSS Feed within Forums"
  • Issues about editing Forum in AdminCP
  • Can not add attachments when editing Thread
  • Can not sponsor a Thread with a fee in Pages/Groups
  • Compatibility issue with disabling feed module
  • Can see a preview of Threads without permissions
  • Can not see checkbox when using mass actions on Threads
  • Missing the first character in reply in feed content

Changed files

  • M Ajax/Ajax.php
  • M Block/RecentThreadBlock.php
  • M Block/ReplyBlock.php
  • M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
  • M Controller/ForumController.php
  • M Install.php
  • M Service/Callback.php
  • M Service/Forum.php
  • M Service/Moderate/Process.php
  • M Service/Post/Process.php
  • M Service/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Process.php
  • M Service/Thread/Thread.php
  • M assets/main.less
  • M
  • A hooks/ajax_getdata.php
  • M hooks/core.template_block_comment_border_new.php
  • M hooks/template_template_getmenu_3.php
  • M phrase.json
  • M views/block/admincp/moderator.html.php
  • M views/block/admincp/permission.html.php
  • M views/block/feed-rows.html.php
  • M views/block/post.html.php
  • M views/block/reply.html.php
  • M views/block/search.html.php
  • M views/block/thread-detail.html.php
  • M views/block/thread-rows.html.php
  • M views/controller/forum.html.php
  • M views/controller/post.html.php
  • M views/controller/search.html.php

Version 4.6.3


  • Release Date: December 21, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.1


  • Support utf8_mb4.

  • Show actual statistics on the Detail page

  • Add limit when getting announcements.

Fix bugs

  • Show error when adding a reply.

  • Cross-site scripting.

Changed Files

M Controller/ForumController.php
M Install.php
A Installation/Version/v463.php
M Service/Post/Post.php
M Service/Thread/Thread.php
M assets/main.less
M installer.php
M views/block/forum.html.php
M views/block/thread-entry.html.php
M views/block/thread-rows.html.php

Version 4.6.2


  • Release Date: Oct 19, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0



  • Improve performance.


  • Add a new setting to disallow/allow app to post on Main feed when adding new item. (default is allow).

Fix bugs


  • Forum tags (trending) don't get removed after deleting a thread.


  • Response ajax link wrong when un-sponsor.


Changed Files


M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/ReplyBlock.php
M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
M Controller/Admin/AddController.php

Version 4.6.1


  • Release Date: Aug 23, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0


  • Inserted photo be crossed

Changed Files

M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/ReplyBlock.php
M Block/SponsoredBlock.php
M Controller/Admin/AddController.php
M Controller/Admin/DeleteController.php
M Controller/ForumController.php
M Controller/PostController.php
M Controller/ThreadController.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Forum.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Thread/Process.php
M Service/Thread/Thread.php
M assets/autoload.js
D assets/autoload.less
M assets/main.less
M phrase.json
M views/block/entry.html.php
M views/block/forum.html.php
M views/block/post.html.php
M views/block/recent-post.html.php
M views/block/reply.html.php
M views/block/search.html.php
M views/block/sponsored.html.php
M views/block/thread-detail.html.php
M views/block/thread-entry.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/index.html.php
M views/controller/thread.html.php

Version 4.6.0


  • Release Date: January 09, 2018
  • Best Compatibility: phpFox >= 4.6.0


  • Allow admin can view and approve/deny pending posts in thread detail page.
  • Support both of topic and hashtag.
  • Hide Reply button and thread tools in closed threads detail pages.
  • Users can select actions of thread/post on listing page same as on thread detail page.
  • Support AddThis in thread detail page.
  • Support 3 styles for paginations.
  • Validate all settings, user group settings, and block settings.

Removed Settings


Var name





Total Recent Posts Display

Don't use anymore



Total Recent Discussions Display

Don't use anymore



Forum User Time Stamp

Don't use anymore



Can add tags to threads?

Don't use anymore

New Settings


Var name





Pagination Style

Select Pagination Style at Search Page.



Forum Meta Description

Meta description added to pages related to the Forum app.



Forum Meta Keywords

Meta keywords that will be displayed on sections related to the Forum app.



Default option to search in main forum page

Removed Blocks







Recent Threads

Don't use anymore

New Blocks







Recent Posts

Show recent posts of forum



Recent Discussions

Show recent threads of forum



Sponsored Threads

Show sponsored threads of forum