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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New Features / Improvements


Item Description

1Allow Admin to Enable/Disable countries instead of deleting them.
2Support to restore custom designs of the template after upgrading Platform or template.
3Allow sorting users list to only friends.
4Translated phrases can't be saved in custom fields if the field was empty.
5Update and remove some core blocks.
6Update and remove unused/unnecessary scripts in several core sections.

When change primary color in Manage theme page, the color of values upon selecting from drop downs will also change accordingly.

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

1Fix texts Words are too spacy when hovering on Emoji icon in Message app.
2Fix duplicated Duplicated feeds after sharing a post on a friend's wall.


Fix tag Tagged users appear on feeds, even these users set privacy settings.
4Fix donDon't show custom gender on profile cover.
5Fix to If post hashtag combines with URL, there is no space between them.
6Fix Redirect to redirect to wrong Pages/Group when clicking on the notification.
7Fix unable to Can't delete feed on Event details page on the first try.
8Fix duplicated Duplicated tagged users.
9Fix to not Don't show special characters after searching users with Advanced Search box.
10Fix Date Date of birth shows a random default date after editing profile.
11Fix Able to be able to buy all ads with 0 AP after removing values in "Activity Points Conversion Rate"
Now the flow is that it hides 'Purchase with Activity points
methods upon Payment' method on the payment screen.
12Fix the active Activated tabs of the User profile are indicated improperly when accessing to another user profile
13Fix userUser's account is still displaying on featured members block even when that account is blocked by other users.
14Fix Add friend button doesn't change its state on user profile page after friend request is sent.
15Fix The Mutual friend link shows up incorrectly.
16 Custom fields on the User profile are broken.
17 Update profile picture popups improperly when uploaded photo exceeded allowed limit.
18 Sort by 'Most Recent' doesn't work properly.
19 Deactivated menu items getting re-activated after a while.
20 21Site Wide Notification setting doesn't work.
21No notification when users like the post which you are tagged in.
22Inactive members will receive emails with generic contents.
23Tooltip shows HTML tag if it contains special characters.
24Users cannot be assigned as Pages admin if they changed their names.
25Showing an error page when running Cron job to send newsletters.
26Selected Country is not loaded when editing Event.
27Adjust allowed sizes to match on front-end and back-end.
28Changed and update several phrases for spelling/grammar/meanings.