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This article will guide you to build Android build your Android app with Premium Mobile Code.  Note: the The article contains the following parts:

Now, let's start!


The Premium Mobile Code is ONLY available on


phpFox ULTIMATE license. In case you are holding other license types, please upgrade to phpFox ULTIMATE license first.

In this article, we assume that you already got the following knowledge:

  • How to use Android Studio to set up and build an Android app
  • How to create necessary Google certifications to build an Android app
  • How to configure a Firebase project for push notification on an Android app.

Now, let's start!



MUST enroll a Google Play Developer account at


Set up Tools and Environment

Install Android Studio

Install Nodejs & Dependencies


If you are using Mobile code version 1.4 or newer, you no longer need to install Nodejs & Dependencies. This step can be bypassed.

  • Then, install necessary dependencies, you can open the Terminal and run the following command:
Code Block
# support eslint 
npm install -g @babel/core@^7 @babel/cli@^7 eslint eslint-plugin-jest babel-eslint eslint-config-airbnb eslint-config-google eslint-plugin-flow-vars \
 eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y eslint-plugin-node eslint-plugin-promise eslint-plugin-react \
 eslint-plugin-standard eslint-plugin-mocha eslint-plugin-jasmine babel-plugin-react-intl babel-plugin-transform-remove-console \
 yarn react-native-cli create-react-native-app


Setup Mobile Code

  • Go to Client Area and download the Premium Mobile Code (in Zip format).
  • Extract Zip file to MobileProject folder (We just use the folder name MobileProject for example. You can use another folder name but should update all following commands and paths accordingly)

Install Project Dependencies


If you are using Mobile code version 1.4 or newer, you no longer need to install Project Dependencies. This step can be bypassed.

Run the following command to install necessary dependencies on the project

Code Block
#install dependencies


cd MobileProject/
yarn install

Configure your Android app


Visit Google Firebase platform (, create a project (You can use one Firebase project for both iOS and Android apps)

  • Download google-services.json
  • Overwrite the default file at  MobileProject/android/app/google-services.json


Default file configuration.json will be as below:

Code Block






















  "versionName": "x.x",
  "versionBuildNumber": x,












  "react-native-google-mobile-ads": {
    "android_app_id": "GOOGLE_ADMOB_APP_ID",


    "delay_app_measurement_init": false,
    "optimize_initialization": true,
    "optimize_ad_loading": true
  "pingServerUrl": "",
  "firebaseEnabledAnalytic": true,
  "theme": {
    "splashScreenBackgroundColor": "#COLOR",
    "primaryColor": "#COLOR",
    "grayBaseColor": "#111",
    "welcomeText": {
      "fontSize": 24,
      "color": "#FFF",
      "fontWeight": 400
    "welcomeImage": {
      "height": 48,
      "resizeMode": "contain"
  "enableAssociatedDomains": true,
  "associatedDomains": [
  "enableLiveStream": false, 
  "enableRocketChat": true,
  "enableInAppPurchase": false,
  "enableAdmob": false,
  "enableAudio": false,
  "enableLog": false,
  "privateInfo": {
    "storeFile": "yourcompany.keystore",


    "storePassword": "















Here is our detailed explanation for items in this file


Follow instructions at to get this key for Android app.


Follow instructions at to get this key for Android app.


  • versionName should follow the format "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH". Ex: 1.0.3. For further information, please refer to
  • versionBuildNumber must be an Integer number.

primaryColor and splashScreenBackgroundColor

The primary color (in Hex color code, Ex: #2681D5) of your app. This color is applied to links, like button, navigation title, etc.


These items will be used when distributing Android app to Google Play. They can be generated within Android Studio.





If you are using Mobile code version 1.4 or newer, you no longer need to run Nodejs. This step can be bypassed.

  • Open Terminal, go to MobileProject folder
  • Run the following command to start


Code Block
node ./server.js

Run your Android app in Android Studio

  • Start Android Studio and open Android project at MobileProject/android folder.


  • Now you can start running your Android app in the simulator in Android Studio