NOTES: If you want to enable user to upload videos directly from a computer/device without using a link (Vimeo, Youtube..), your server must be able to encode/transcode videos so that they can be uploaded properly. phpFox supports 2 solutions that you can use Zencoder video encoding service, or you must have have FFMPEG installed installed on your server.
- This app is applied for Neutron Pro package only. Refer to https://www.phpfox.com/ to see all packages.
- This app is currently compatible with phpFox 4.6.0 or later
- This app is available to install from the phpFox store. You can get it https://store.phpfox.com/product/1819/video.
- Uploaded videos will be converted only when phpFox cron job runs. Please check this article to setup cron properly.