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Product Information

Feature List

  1. All Songs

    • Contain all songs which the viewer has permission to view
    • Each song has title, created date, owner, genres, statistics of views and plays
    • Owner can perform some actions on music as edit / delete / sponsor my song / sponsor in feed
    • Moderators can perform some actions on music as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature
    • Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
    • Can play one song directly on this page as well as download it into computer
    • 3 blocks: Featured Songs, Sponsored Songs, New Albums
    • Can search songs by keyword, filter songs by some criteria
  2. My Songs

    • Contain songs uploaded by this user
    • User can see total his / her songs in main menu section
  3. Friends' Songs

    • Contain all public songs of friends
  4. Song Detail

    • Can perform some actions on the player as play / pause / adjust volume / view the duration of song / download / repeat song
    • Can view description of song as well as the total plays / views
    • Support addthis to share the song into other networks
    • Like / comment / share / report music
    • Owner and moderators can manage song
    • Block: Suggestion to suggest other songs which have the same genre with the current one
  5. Share Songs

    • Can drag and drop to upload multiple songs at once. These songs are not belong to any album
    • Can edit info of songs as name, description, genres, photo, privacy before submitting
    • Can select multiple genres for song
    • Integrate description with CKEditor, Emoji, Attachment, Hashtag
  6. All Albums

    • Contain all albums which the viewer has permission to view
    • Each song has title, created date, owner, published year and total plays / views
    • Owner can perform some actions on music album as edit / delete / sponsor my album / sponsor in feed / upload new songs
    • Moderators can perform some actions on music album as edit / delete / sponsor / sponsor in feed / feature / upload new songs
    • Moderators can use mass actions to feature / un-feature / delete some selected items
    • 3 blocks: Featured Albums, Sponsored Albums
    • Can search albums by keyword, filter songs by some criteria
  7. My Albums

    • Contain albums uploaded by this user
    • User can see total his / her albums in main menu section
  8. Album Detail

    • Can perform some actions on the player as play / pause / adjust volume / view the duration of song / download / repeat song
    • Automatically play the next song if the current one is ended
    • Can view description of albums as well as the total plays / views / published year
    • Support addthis to share the album into other networks
    • Like / comment / share / report music
    • Owner and moderators can manage album
  9. Create Album

    • Fill in the album name, published year, description which integrate with CKEditor, Emoji, Attachment and Hashtag, photo, privacy
    • After finish the general information, owner can upload songs into album
  10. Manage Album

    • Can adjust the general information at Album Details tab
    • Can upload new songs at Upload Songs tab
    • Can manage songs of this album at Manage Songs at. At this page, owner can edit / download / delete each song
  11. Back End - Settings

    • Configure to use pagination or load more in search page (apply from 4.6.0)
    • Configure to show/hide music which created in Page / Group into the All Songs / All Albums pages of Music app (apply from 4.6.0)
    • Configure SEO meta keywords and SEO meta description
  12. Back End - User Group Settings

    • Configure all settings for each user group
  13. Back End - Manage Genres
    • Can add, edit, delete, re-order genres
