Version 4.7.11
- Release Date: March 25, 2022
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.8.1 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Integrate notification and email when creating a new item in Page
- Hide unnecessary user group settings for Guest
- Enable "Add Comments as Feeds" - Also check permission of page when displaying comment feeds on the Home Feed
- Update description for Videos app's settings in AdminCP
- Search videos via Global search - Also check the privacy of Pages/Groups
- Filter Video upload settings based on the selected "Uploading Method" option in AdminCP
- Support Ajax for Delete action - no need to reload page when deleting video
Bugs Fixed
- Global Search: User can still search video although the setting "Can browse and view videos?" is disabled
- Feed - Issue with videos shared by facebook link
- Post a link video after edit scheduled upload video - Remaining scheduled time after submitting
- Feed - Missing upload video option after edit scheduled link video
- User can share new video although setting "Can browse and view videos?" is disabled
- Issue on when upload video on feed right after edit scheduled video
- Page: User can create item (Video) inside Page although this module has not been integrated with page
- Responsive - Share Facebook vertical video - Minor layout issue in video detail
- "Maximum number of videos" setting does not count scheduled videos on feed
- Post video on feed - Share button is not active after switch to Status/Photo tab then back
- No action happens when delete/approve video by mass action
- Video player - The time is cut if too long
- View uploaded videos - Picture-in-picture mode work not correctly
- Upload video schedule with S3/ Mux - Missing thumbnail in Manage Schedule Items
- Large videos are erased and never encoded when using External FFMPEG
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/CompileCallbackController.php
- M Controller/EditController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/PlayController.php
- M Controller/ShareController.php
- M Controller/UploadController.php
- M FFmpegServer/External/Source/config.sample.php
- M FFmpegServer/External/Source/video.php
- M FFmpegServer/README.html
- M FFmpegServer/
- M Install.php
- A Installation/Version/v4711.php
- M Service/Api.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M assets/videojs/videojs.css
- M hooks/admincp.component_controller_setting_edit_process.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_v.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M views/block/edit-video-schedule.html.php
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/menu.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.7.10
- Release Date: September 30, 2021
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.8.0 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Support configuring metadata if upload video with the "Zencoder + S3" method
- Support Web API for Videos (with RESTful API app)
- Support upload video with "Mux" method
- Support Schedule Videos on Feed
- Support compressing Videos on external FFMPEG server with scalable site
- Allow admin configs limitation on the number of videos created by user group
- Don't send notification/email of the private video post to tagged users
Bugs Fixed
- Issue when view video in Full-screen mode on Activity Feeds #3013
- Phrases missing
- Can not "view more" in video detail page if its description is long
- Some other minor bugs
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/Category.php
- M Controller/Admin/DeleteCategoryController.php
- M Controller/Admin/UtilitiesController.php
- M Controller/CallbackController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- D Controller/MuxCallbackController.php
- M Controller/ShareController.php
- M Controller/UploadController.php
- M Controller/CompileCallbackController.php
- D FFmpegServer/External/Source/config.json
- A FFmpegServer/External/Source/config.sample.php
- M FFmpegServer/External/Source/video.php
- M FFmpegServer/External/Source/composer.json
- M FFmpegServer/External/Source/composer.lock
- M FFmpegServer/README.html
- M FFmpegServer/
- D FFmpegServer/ffmpeg_config.json
- A FFmpegServer/ffmpeg_config.sample.php
- D FFmpegServer/External/Source/vendor/*
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Video.php
- M Job/Encode.php
- A Service/Api.php
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- A
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M composer.json
- M composer.lock
- D hooks/route_start.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_v.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M Job/Encode.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/main.less
- M assets/videojs/videojs.css
- M phrase.json
- M vendor/*
Version 4.7.9
- Release Date: April 12, 2021
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.8.0 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Show Video title on Email Notification after uploaded success a video #2943
- Add new setting for Email Notification of Videos app.
- Warning message if users want to leave the site when they are adding a video
- Improved layout on Activity Feeds
- Hide video feature on Activity Feeds if turn the "Allow posting on Main Feed" setting off
- Support "" URL
- Support compress video on an external server using FFmpeg
- Add new settings to allow Admins to review and update all email contents of Videos app
Bugs Fixed
- Missing phrases
- Drag & Drop file on feed doesn't work properly
- Show wrong owner's name when post Video as Page on the activity feeds of page
- Issues when share a Facebook Video
- Some other minor bugs
Changed Files
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/CallbackController.php
- A Controller/CompileCallbackController.php
- M Controller/ShareController.php
- M Controller/UploadController.php
- A FFmpegServer/*
- M Install.php
- A Installation/Version/v479.php
- M Job/Encode.php
- M
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M assets/videojs/videojs.css
- M
- M hooks/groups.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/pages.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- A hooks/user.service_process_edit_status_end.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/add_category_list.html.php
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/feed_video.html.php
- M views/controller/edit.html.php
- M views/controller/play.html.php
- M views/controller/share.html.php
Version 4.7.8
- Release Date: July 24, 2020
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.7.7 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Layout issue with uploaded video on feed
- Can't play video on Android Mobile App
- M Service/Video.php
- M Controller/PlayController.php
- M assets/main.less
- M views/block/feed_video.html.php
Version 4.7.7
- Release Date: July 7, 2020
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.7.7 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Compatible with PHP 7.4
- Improving video player
- Support total view count when playing video on feed
Bugs Fixed
- Missing thumbnail when share Facebook video
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/main.less
- M views/block/feed_video.html.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- A assets/videojs/videojs.css
- A assets/videojs/videojs.js
- A assets/videojs/videojs-ie8.min.js
- A assets/videojs/jquery.iframetracker.js
Version 4.7.6
- Release Date: November 21, 2019
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.7.7 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Missing video thumbnail in dimension 120 pixels on CDN server #2794.
- Videos aren't listed in Page/Group liked/joined when enabling Friend Only Community.
- Can't upload video in Group using FFMPEG method.
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Install.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/main.less
- M views/block/feed_video.html.php
- M views/block/menu.html.php
- M views/controller/edit.html.php
- M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.7.5
- Release Date: July 18, 2019
- Best Compatibility:
- phpFox 4.7.7 or higher
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Feed status - Can not post status with normal text or photos after uploading the invalid video.
- Show feed status with video in the wall of the person tagged/mentioned.
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Controller/CallbackController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/ShareController.php
- M Controller/UploadController.php
- M Install.php
- M Job/Encode.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- M assets/main.less
- M hooks/groups.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/pages.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M phrase.json
- M views/block/add_category_list.html.php
- M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.7.4
Release Date: Mar 5th, 2019
- Upload video from feed - Show public in feed while that video is still pending.
- Display wrong phrase #57721
- Pending videos are shown in User Profile > Videos.
- Can edit status feeds with Video.
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Install.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
M vendor/zencoder/zencoder-php/Services/Zencoder.php
M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.7.3
Release Date: February 12, 2019
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Upgrade Amazon S3 lib to support signature version 4
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/CallbackController.php
M Controller/UploadController.php
M Install.php
M Job/Encode.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
M composer.json
M composer.lock
A hooks/admincp.component_controller_setting_edit_process.php
M hooks/admincp.service_maintain_delete_files_get_list.php
D vendor/tpyo/amazon-s3-php-class/S3.php
D vendor/tpyo/amazon-s3-php-class/composer.json
M views/controller/play.html.php
M views/controller/share.html.php
Version 4.7.2
Release Date: January 23rd, 2019
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- No notification and mail sent to the page owner when a user post video on that page
- Feeds - Show duplicate the warning message when posting from invalid URL
- Not show tagged user when uploaded video and check-in
- Share video by uploading - Save button disappear after select Custom privacy
- Share a video with custom privacy - Friends in the list can not view that video.
- Support search with video description.
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/CallbackController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Controller/ShareController.php
M Install.php
M Installation/Version/v452.php
M Job/Encode.php
M Service/Browse.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
M phrase.json
M views/controller/share.html.php
Version 4.7.1
Release Date: December 20, 2018
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
On feed, video auto plays when mp3 music next to it plays.
User is redirected to Video Homepage after deleting videos in a page/group.
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Service/Process.php
M assets/autoload.css
D assets/autoload.less
M assets/main.less
M views/block/feed_video.html.php
Version 4.7.0
Release Date: November 23, 2018
- FFMPEG 3.0 or higher
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Views and Clicks on Sponsor Video aren't counted correctly
- Update layout for video detail page
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/CallbackController.php
M Install.php
M Installation/Database/Video.php
M Job/Encode.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
A checksum
M start.php
M views/block/entry.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
M views/controller/edit.html.php
M views/controller/play.html.php
M views/controller/share.html.php
Version 4.6.3
- Release Date: Oct 19, 2018
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.6.0 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher*
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Add new setting to disallow/allow app to post on Main feed when adding new item (default is allow).
Bugs Fixed
Show HTML tags in a description.
Keywords - tags from videos won't delete from trends block after deleting videos and clear cache also date trending is incorrect.
Share photo, video from user's feed: not show photo, video in shared feed.
Post status videos - Compose text not show when switch to tab Video.
Share video - Cannot share video Daily motion with links HTTPS
Post status - Upload video - Not show share button and status when switch tab.
Allow sponsor in Pending item.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/PlayController.php
M Controller/ShareController.php
M Install.php
M Installation/Database/Video_Category_Data.php
M Installation/Database/Video_Embed.php
M Installation/Database/Video_Text.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.6.2
- Release Date: Aug 23, 2018
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.6.0 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher*
- FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
- Show app menu when view video detail
Bugs Fixed
Show error page when disable feed module
Created feed still displaying banned word
Site does not working if disable page app
The error message is not correct when uploading images
Owner of video received Email with wrong language when anyone have any actions (like, comment, ...) in it.
Changed Files
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Block/Featured.php
M Block/Sponsored.php
M Controller/CallbackController.php
M Controller/IndexController.php
M Controller/PlayController.php
M Controller/ShareController.php
M Install.php
M Job/ConvertOldVideos.php
M Job/Encode.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Category.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
D checksum
M phrase.json
M views/block/feed_video.html.php
M views/block/menu.html.php
M views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
M views/controller/play.html.php
Version 4.6.1
- Release Date: July 16th, 2018
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.6.0 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher* FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
ACP - 500 error occurs while deleting category has sub-categories
Feed - The share button is disabled and can't be activated again when focusing or modifying the Video Link.
Cannot get thumbnail image if URL does not have a protocol (http / https).
Show duplicated play icon when viewing upload video.
Disable Share button if the video is uploaded exceeding allowed size.
Sponsor video block shows duplicate items.
Add comment as feed - Does not create feed after posting a comment on videos.
Video detail page - Remove "Back" button on mobile devices.
Missing "Save" button while uploading video.
M Ajax/Ajax.php
M Controller/ShareController.php
M Install.php
A Installation / Version / v461.php
M Service/Callback.php
M Service/Process.php
M Service/Video.php
M assets/autoload.js
M assets/main.less
A checksum
M hooks/admincp.service_maintain_delete_files_get_list.php
M installer.php
M phrase.json
M views/block/entry.html.php
Version 4.6.0
- Release Date: January 9th, 2018
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.6.0 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher* FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Cannot get title and description of YouTube videos.
- Hide notice
Upload canceled
after uploading successfully. - Support play videos when clicking on video thumbnails
- Support drag/drop, preview, progress bar when users upload videos.
- Validate all settings, user group settings, and block settings.
- Improve layout of all pages and blocks.
- M Ajax/Ajax.php
- M Block/AddCategoryList.php
- M Block/Category.php
- M Block/Featured.php
- M Block/FeedVideo.php
- M Block/Sponsored.php
- M Block/Suggested.php
- M Controller/Admin/AddCategoryController.php
- M Controller/Admin/CategoryController.php
- M Controller/Admin/ConvertController.php
- M Controller/Admin/DeleteCategoryController.php
- M Controller/Admin/UtilitiesController.php
- M Controller/CallbackController.php
- M Controller/EditController.php
- M Controller/IndexController.php
- M Controller/PlayController.php
- M Controller/ProfileController.php
- M Controller/ShareController.php
- M Controller/UploadController.php
- M Install.php
- M Installation/Database/Video.php
- M Installation/Database/Video_Category.php
- M Installation/Database/Video_Category_Data.php
- M Installation/Database/Video_Embed.php
- M Installation/Database/Video_Text.php
- M Installation/Version/v452.php
- M Installation/Version/v453.php
- M Installation/Version/v454.php
- A Installation/Version/v460.php
- M Job/ConvertOldVideos.php
- M Job/Encode.php
- M
- M Service/Browse.php
- M Service/Callback.php
- M Service/Category.php
- M Service/Process.php
- M Service/Video.php
- M assets/autoload.js
- A assets/images/default_thumbnail.png
- A assets/main.less
- M
- M hooks/admincp.service_maintain_delete_files_get_list.php
- A hooks/bundle__start.php
- M hooks/groups.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/job_queue_init.php
- M hooks/pages.component_controller_view_build.php
- M hooks/template_getheader_end.php
- M hooks/template_template_getmenu_3.php
- A hooks/validator.admincp_user_settings_v.php
- M installer.php
- M phrase.json
- M start.php
- M views/block/entry.html.php
- M views/block/entry_block.html.php
- M views/block/featured.html.php
- M views/block/feed_video.html.php
- M views/block/menu.html.php
- M views/block/sponsored.html.php
- M views/block/suggested.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/add-category.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/category.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/convert.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/delete-category.html.php
- M views/controller/admincp/utilities.html.php
- M views/controller/edit.html.php
- M views/controller/index.html.php
- M views/controller/play.html.php
- M views/controller/share.html.php
Version 4.5.4
- Release Date: August 29, 2017
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.5.2 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher* FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- Page does not reload after deleting video by using mass action
- Cover and Page photo does not display after uploading video
- Issue after sharing video on feed, show video doesn't exists if this video is pending
- Issue on Member activity feed after sharing video on Page as user
- Page owner can not delete video upload as Page
- Still show un-sponsor video even though this sponsor video has been deleted in AdminCP
- App name does not translate
- Hide Video app on Menu when "Can browse and view the Video app?" setting is disabled
- Redirect to Video upload page of current Page after uploading video from local instead of redirecting Video module
- Support collapse/expand sub categories
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Video.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Process.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Category.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Callback.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/Admin/ConvertController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/CallbackController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/ShareController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/UploadController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/PlayController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Installation/Version/v453.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Installation/Version/v454.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/phrase.json
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Ajax/Ajax.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/views/controller/admincp/convert.html.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/views/controller/play.html.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Block/Category.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/start.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/views/controller/share.html.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/assets/autoload.js
Version 4.5.3
- Release Date: May 08, 2017
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.5.2 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher* FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis
Bugs Fixed
- If you share a video which porting from old Video app to this new one, system display message "The sharing content isn't available now"
- An error occurred in the phrase of new Video app
- Video menu is not active when access all pages of Video app
- System displays wrong error message
- Does not convert all old videos completely
- Could not upload large video via FFMPEG
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Video.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Process.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Service/Category.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/Admin/ConvertController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/CallbackController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/ShareController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/UploadController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Controller/PlayController.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Installation/Version/v452.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/phrase.json
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Ajax/Ajax.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Job/ConvertOldVideos.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Job/Encode.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/views/controller/admincp/convert.html.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/views/controller/play.html.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/Block/Category.php
- PF.Site/Apps/core-videos/start.php
Version 4.5.2
- Release Date: April 17, 2017
- Best Compatibility:* phpFox 4.5.2 or higher
- * FFMPEG 3.0 or higher* FFMPEG Dependencies: version3, libmp3lame, libvpx, libtheora, libfdk-aac, libass, libfaac, libx264, libvorbis