New Features / Improvements
ID | Description |
1 | Apps can define their default permissions when integrating into Pages/Groups |
2 | Add a setting to use either popup or page with Login/Signup button |
3 | Display notice message when closing a form in popup without submission |
4 | Admin can move multiple users to a new group in AdminCP |
5 | Add new setting "Who can send me a friend request?" in Privacy Settings > Profile section |
6 | In AdminCP > Appearance > Menus, add guide link for icons of menu items |
7 | Able to switch language within AdminCP |
8 | Admin can add more blocks into static pages |
9 | When site is currently in Offline mode - Display the notice message on front-end for admin |
10 | Support 12-hour format on Datetime picker |
11 | Support pagination and search features for Ban Filter |
12 | Add a setting to configure default user group of new registrations This setting will be overridden if the user chooses a membership package. |
13 | [GITHUB] Support search #hastags in Global search #715 |
14 | On Sign up form, disable Auto-fill feature of browsers |
15 | Friends - Suggestion block - Add a setting to configure the number of items showing on the block |
16 | [GITHUB] - Add language phrases for "Hello" part used in notification emails #2722 |
17 | User Profile popup - Show state/province information |
18 | When enabling "Friend only" setting on Feed, still show feeds that posted in Liked pages/ Joined groups |
19 | Add more settings for Email Notification |
20 | Have a new Cron Manager page in AdminCP > Maintenace that admin can view/active/deactive crons |
21 | Support use single and double quotes for phrases |
22 | Able to manage custom fields on mobile devices, such as iPad |
23 | Anti-Spam Security Questions - Add a setting to turn on/off case-insensitive checking |
24 | Feeds - Add settings to stop posting feeds when users update their profile photos and cover photos |
25 | Add a new setting that allows Admin to select a page to show when the site is offline |
26 | Members - Able to search user by phone number if the setting "Enable Registration using Phone Number" is enabled |
27 | Improve layout of the Suggestions page in Bootstrap template |
28 | Auto-suggest users for mention and tagging feature even though their names match certain ban words. |
29 | When search members in front-end, only search users by email incase the input email address is valid |
30 | In AdminCP, check and show alerts of new versions of the active template |
Bugs Fixed
ID | Description |
1 | The feed displays blank when using PHP 5.6 |
2 | Error 500 when going to AdminCP > Manage Subscription page if the Subscription app is disabled |
3 | When using Pagination mode and filtering items (blogs, photos, events, etc.) by Tags with accented language, show "Not Found" error when going to the second page |
4 | When using Asset Handling with a certain remote storage, unable to remove Homepage images of Material template |
5 | Layout issue in Listing detail when using Asset Handling with remote storage |
6 | [GITHUB] User are stills getting token with SMS even if they have been banned #2970 |
7 | [GITHUB] - Menu is broken when browser on mobile is resized from landscape to portrait |
8 | When forcing to upload Profile image but requiring approval for Guests, profile photo uploaded on the Signup form isn't applied |
9 | [GITHUB] - When using Mobile browser, in AdminCP > Browse Users, Mass actions panel and Pagination are overlapping #2974 |
10 | [GITHUB] - When click on the created main menus linked to a certain page/group, more than 1 menu item are highlighted #2973 |
11 | Feed - Link of Instagram does not parse for preview |
12 | [GITHUB] Still receive Email notifications of tag in comment even though the setting of email notification is turned off in User Settings #2978 |
13 | When sharing video with Youtube URL, cannot get a video thumbnail with quality less than 360p |
14 | On User profile - the status of friend request is updated after that friend request is denied |
15 | In Bootstrap template, can not open "Sort by" dropdown on Home Feed until page is reloaded |
16 | Issue layout in Invitation page when invitation link has expired or it was not valid |
17 | On Sign Up form, the Location dropdown is cut off when multi-step registration form is enabled |
18 | In AdminCP, when searching settings with the top search bar, removed/deprecated settings are still listed in the search result |
19 | Using Bootstrap template, go to User profile > Recently Viewed By page, it shows "Undefined" when hovering on users |
20 | On Feed, try to post link feed and tag/mention friends, the link preview of that feed item doesn't show on friend's wall |
21 | On Feed, links from Facebook cannot be parsed |
22 | In Report popup, 'Terms of Use' URL isn't updated after edited in ACP |
23 | When a user enables "Send you a message" setting to "Noone", his/her name is not suggested For Tagging feature |
24 | Photos don't display in the proper orientation when taking photo then uploading |
25 | In AdminCP > Reports, the info of the Last Report isn't updated if users report with the default category |
26 | In AdminCP > Reports, Missing padding in the Delete Category popup |
27 | When creating a new user group inheriting a certain user group, user group settings of 3rd-party apps aren't inherited |
28 | In AdminCP > Members > Import User page, cannot stop the import user process when using external Message Queue service |
29 | In AdminCP > Appearance > Menu, show wrong title on Edit menu popup |
30 | When adding more friends to an existing friend list, all friends added before are removed |
31 | When logging in on the Login page, notice for pending approve or denied is missing |
32 | Using Asset Handling with external storages, cannot update Check-in when editing a feed item |
For detailed change log, please refer to the phpFox Github at: