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For more detail about this component, let see at: /PF.Base/module/core/include/component/controller/upload-temp.class.php



Click on remove file with remove uploaded file and call ajax function core.removeTempFile


Code Block
    public function add($aVals,$bIsUpdate = false)
        $aInsert = [
            'name' => $aVals['name'],
            'description' => $aVals['description'],
            'time_update' => time(), // last modification time
            'privacy' => $aVals['privacy'], // public

        if ($bIsUpdate) {
            $aTodo = db()->select('*')->from(':todolist_task')->where('task_id = '.$aVals['task_id'])->execute('getRow');
            //When edit a todo task, we need to check and remove old photo if user upload new photo or delete current photo
            if (!empty($aTodo['image_path']) && (!empty($aVals['temp_file']) || !empty($aVals['remove_photo']))) {
                if ($this->deleteImage($aVals['task_id'],$aTodo['user_id'])) {
                    $aInsert['image_path'] = null;
                    $aInsert['server_id'] = 0;
                else {
                    return false;

        //$aVals['temp_file'] is id of temporary file was saved in `phpfox_temp_file` table, this is file you just uploaded
        if (!empty($aVals['temp_file'])) {
            //Get detail of this file
            $aFile = Phpfox::getService('core.temp-file')->get($aVals['temp_file']);
            if (!empty($aFile)) {
                //Set value for `image_path` and `server_id` column based on data of temp file
                $aInsert['image_path'] = $aFile['path'];
                $aInsert['server_id'] = $aFile['server_id'];
                //Remove this temporary row in `phpfox_temp_file` table
        if ($bIsUpdate) {
            // update to do item
            db()->update(':todolist_task', $aInsert, ['task_id' => $aVals['task_id']]);

            if ($aVals['privacy'] == '4') {
                Phpfox::getService('privacy.process')->update('todo', $aVals['task_id'],
                    (isset($aVals['privacy_list']) ? $aVals['privacy_list'] : array()));
        } else {
            $aInsert['time_stamp'] = time();
            $aInsert['user_id'] = Phpfox::getUserId();
            // Insert to do item database
            $iItemId = db()->insert(':todolist_task', $aInsert);

            if ($aVals['privacy'] == '4') {
                Phpfox::getService('privacy.process')->add('todo', $iItemId,
                    (isset($aVals['privacy_list']) ? $aVals['privacy_list'] : array()));

            Phpfox::getService('feed.process')->add('todo', $iItemId, 0, 0);

$aVals&['remove_photo'] with remove_photo is value of param remove_field_name

$aVals&['temp_file'] with temp_file is value of param field_name
