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This article will guide you to build Android app with Premium Mobile Code. Note: the Premium Mobile Code is ONLY available on phpFox ULTIMATE license. In case you are holding other license types, please upgrade to phpFox ULTIMATE license first.

In this article, We  we assume that you already got the following knowledge:


  • Download google-services.json
  • Overwrite the default file at  MobileProject/android/app/google-services.json

Update configuration.json under folder MobileProject/android/app/

Default file configuration.json will be as below:

 "appName": "YourAppName",
 "bundleId": "com.yourcompany.phpfoxmobile",
 "serverUrl": "",
 "clientId": "CLIENT_ID",
 "clientSecret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
 "facebookAppId": "FACEBOOK_APP_ID",
 "googlePlacesClientId": "GOOGLE_PLACES_CLIENT_ID",
 "googleAdMobAppId": "GOOGLE_ADMOB_APP_ID",
 "firebaseEnabledAnalytic": true,
 "versionName": "1.x.x",
 "versionBuildNumber": 2,
 "theme": {
 "primaryColor": "#COLOR",
 "splashScreenBackgroundColor": "#COLOR",
 "grayBaseColor": "#111"
 "privateInfo": {
 "storeFile": "yourcompany.keystore",
 "keyAlias": "yourcompany",
 "keyPassword": "xxxxxxxx"
