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This article will guide you to build your Android apps with Mobile source code


Mobile Devices

- Supported Android versions: 8.0+

Development Environment

We recommend to use macOS system as a development environment because:

  • Able to develop cross platform Mobile application (Android, iOS).
  • We got tons of utilities scripts that were mainly written in Bash Script, which tested and worked compatibly only with Unix environment.

We assume that you have experiences in React Native project and how to build React Native mobile apps. Please following this Environment Setup guide to set up the development environment for React Native (RN) project

  • Node version >= 16.14
  • Yarn version = 1.21.0
  • React Native version: 0.70.6

Project structure

Folder packages: contains all main RN/Javascript code

Folder app: Contains entrypoint for each module section from folder `packages`. Do not change anything here, we got the script to handle these generated code

Folder android: Contains Java/Kotlin native code - mostly handle native things for Android app

Folder scripts: contains all utilities scripts



You can update our mobile configuration and assets for Android app in:

  • App configurations in android/app/configuration.json file
    • Set `enableGooglePay: true` to enable Google Pay
  • Firebase config file android/app/google-services.json
    • Please refer this guide to download it from your Firebase project for Android app
  • KeyStore file at android/app/<your_app>.keystore
    • Refer to this guide to create your keystore file

Mobile assets

  • Update images of app icon, logo and login background in the folder android/app/src/main/res 
  • Update splash screen: You can run following command to generate splash screen after updating app icon
Code Block
yarn react-native generate-bootsplash splash/splash.png --background-color=<your_background_color> --logo-width=100 --assets-path=assets

Load configuration

Whenever you change the configuration files above, you need to re-run these steps again:

Code Block
yarn install
yarn android-config
yarn reload

Quick start

Start React Native metro package manager

Code Block
yarn start

Run the following commands to start Android app on Android emulator (default basing on Android Studio config)

Code Block
yarn android-run

Other Utilities scripts - CLI

Build release app.apk for Android alternatively Gradle build

Code Block
yarn android-build

Build release app.bundle for Android alternatively Gradle bundle

Code Block
yarn android-bundle