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Going along with the release of phpFox 4.6.0 as the default template, Material template brings users the best experiences in term of functionalities, performance and appearance. Features the simplicity and sleek design combines with responsiveness, the template enables users to create and access any content quickly and easily. We rebuilt almost all the components on the template, as well as implemented several new small but useful features all based on users' suggestions and recommendations. Therefore, Material template is appropriate for any site regardless what your site is about as it is surely what you are looking for on a modern template.


  • This app is currently compatible with phpFox 4.6.1 or later

Product Information

  • Version: 4.6.1p1


  • The template doesn't support to show other added blocks on the Landing / Home page

Feature List

Activity Feed

Your members will enjoy browsing on your site with the new look and feel and stay more on your feed. Aside from its looks, we enhanced some of the icons which are more attractive to the eyes of your members.

Sign-Up Form

Simplicity is the key. We made the sign-up form easier than it was before. People can now signup to your site in just a few seconds.

Home Page

Your members will absolutely stay longer and will be encouraged to do more activities on your site.


Say hello to the new notification looks. Your users will surely be impressed with this new look of the notification bar.

User Profile Page

Your users will have a great and better experience on their profile page. It is now easier to change and update cover and profile photos

Scroll-to-Top Button

One of the new features of phpFox v4.6 is this Scroll-to-Top button. Your users can just easily click this button to quickly go back to the top.

Status, Comments, and Likes

Your users will become more active in posting status on your site. The number of Likes and Comments are visible and easily noticeable.

Shortcut Button

Your users can now easily add Blog, Photo, Video, etc using this small (+) shortcut button on your site.

Freeze Menus and Side Blocks

From version 4.6.1, we allow admin can configure to freeze the header, main menu, sub menu and left/right columns of phpFox Site.


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