"Photos" is an essential section of all social network communities. We know that images have become more and more important and that is why we don't just provide you a simple core photo app but we have added many trending actions to make it more attractive. Your members can choose to upload photos to a public gallery or to their own set of photo albums. Your members can also select the privacy settings for the photo they upload and choose who can view their photos online.



Product Information

Feature List

1 . All Photos:

2 . My Photos

3 . Friends' Photos

4 . Pending Photos

5 . All Albums:

6 . My Albums

7 . Share Photos

8 . Photo Detail

9 . Album Detail

10 . Back End - Settings

11 . Back End - User Group Settings

12 . Back End - Manage Categories

13 . Use global time stamp instead of having its own

14 . Configure the responsive size, number of item in each block

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