If you are unsure if your web server meets our products requirements, simply contact your host and send them this page.

Linux OS


Web ServerApache or (NginX + fpm)
PHP Version5.5 or higher
MySQL Version4.1 or higher
MySQLi ExtensionRequired
PHP EXEC functionRequired
PHP GDRequired
PHP CURLRequired
PHP ZipArchiveRequired
PHP Multibyte StringRequired
PHP XML extensionRequired
PHP memory_limit64M or higher
Apache mod_rewrite (optional)Required for Short URLs

Additional Requirement for the Video App

If you want to allow users to upload videos from their computer, your server must be able to encode / transcode videos so that they can be displayed on your website properly. So:

Testing Server Requirements

1. Download our test script.

2. Unzip and upload the phpfox.php to your web server.

3. Visit the script via your web browser. (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/phpfox.php)