Groups app offers a space for users who share common interests on a certain things. The app allows users to come together to organize, express objectives, discuss issues, post photos and share related content to their interests. 


Product Information

Feature List

1 . All Groups

- Contain all groups which the user has permission to view

- Each listing shows up with group name, group display photo and number of users in group

- Groups are well organized to their categories

- Owner can perform some actions on group here include Manage and Delete

- Moderators can choose and delete single group or multiple groups at once

- Category list block for quick access

- Can search group using keyword or filter groups in some criteria

2 . My Groups

- Contain groups created by this user

- User can see total his/her groups in main menu section

3. Friends' Groups

- Contains groups created by this user's friends

4. Group Page

- Contains display picture and group banner (Can easily change these images), group name, group privacy and total number

- Option to join/unjoin the group. Group owner also has additional action button to Manage or Delete group

- Navigation bar for quickly access to sections of group such as: Home page, member page, blog page, photo page, music page, video page...

- Blocks:

            + Group Info: Shows founder & total member

            + Related Groups: Shows groups in the same category

            + Members: Shows random members in group

            + Admins: Shows group admins & moderator

- Group main feed:

            + User can post status here with pictures & videos

            + Feed items shows up just like on the News Feed (User can like/comment/share...)

5. Group sections:

- Each section in group can be access using navigation bar.

- Each section has interface and functionalities as in separated app. For instance, with Music, you can upload songs, create album, browse other member's songs, search song, edit song details...

- These sections using settings from settings of main app

6. Add New Group:

- Add new group by specifying group category & sub-category, group name, group privacy

7. Manage/Edit Group:

- Change group name & category, group description, group photo, group permission (Includes group privacy and member permissions on actions such as posting, who can view group posts...)

- Invite users to groups via messenger or email (Can add custom personal message to the invitation)

- Assign unique URL for group

- Promote members to group moderator or group admin

- Widget: Add custom blocks to Group main page with contents and HTML codes.