You are using phpFox version earlier than 4.6.0? Please refer instruction for this article here.


Enabling or Disabling Groups App

Group Settings

  1. Groups Limit Per Category: Define the limit of how many groups per category can be displayed when viewing All Groups page.
  2. Paging Type: Click the drop-down menu and select an option between Scrolling down to load more items, Use the Next and Pre buttons, and Use pagination with the Page number.
  3. Display groups profile photo within gallery: Disable this feature if you do not want to display groups profile photos within the photo gallery.
  4. Display groups cover photo within gallery: Disable this feature if you do not want to display groups cover photos within the photo gallery.
  5. Groups Meta Description
  6. Groups Meta Description
  7. Click SAVE CHANGES when done.

Managing Categories

When in the Groups App shown above, choose Categories and you can manage your categories here.

User Group Settings

As this is an App, it has its own User Group Settings. When in the Group app screen, choose User Group Settings and select the Group.

From the user group settings in the Group App, you can manage the following:

Converting Old v4.0 - v4.3.x Groups (Optional)

If you desire to import your current Groups from the Pages module into the new Groups App, as long as you are on one of the v4 versions already, please follow these steps. You will need to be comfortable with setting a Cron job if you have 500 or more groups.