You are using phpFox version earlier than 4.7.0? Please refer instruction for this article here.

Requires: phpFox 4.7.0+

The following tutorial is a basic guide. All hosts have different setups. It could be that the path doesn't work for your server configuration. In that case, please contact your host for the proper path.

Cron jobs system of phpFox is required the site admin have to set it up manually. Cron jobs of phpFox are used for some core features such as Groups converting, Groups notifications, Downgrade Expired Subscribers... So, it is necessary to set up Cron jobs system to make sure that the phpFox site can work well as design.  Below is some instructions to help the admin can set up the phpFox cron job system easily.

The first step to set up new cron jobs system is getting the URL for cronjob of your phpFox site

 1. Log into AdminCP, select Cronjob Token from Settings menu.
Token is like the password for your cronjob, you have to have the correct token on cronjob URL so you can execute the cronjob. Here you can set up the token for yourself, enter any phrase you want to set as token and git Save Changes

2.  Select Cronjob URL from Settings menu, you now will obtain your site's cronjob URL with a pre-defined token from the first step.


The Cron URL with token will be in format: http(s)://<your-domain>/cron.php?token=<your_defined_token>

Copy the URL.

Next step, we need to configure Cron job on the server. There are several ways to configure Cron job, depend on your web server environment.

Via Web Hosting Control Panel



Set up with command line (Linux server)

$ > crontab -e
*/5 * * * * curl -s http(s)://www.<your-domain>.com/cron.php?token=<your_defined_token>

Set up on Window Server

Create a schedule task to execute the command "wget http(s)://www.<your-domain>.com/cron.php?token=<your_defined_token>
(http(s)://www.<your-domain>.com/cron.php?token=<your_defined_token> is the URL we received in first part)