Adding forums to your website is a great way to get more user interaction and incearse community engagement on your website .This article provides you steps to make a forum where your user can create content and interact with each other. Let’s get started.

From Admin CP> Apps> Forum> Manage forum> clicking on Add forum will come a pop up below:

1. To create a main parent forum, just fill in the following element:

For the purpose of this tutorial, we created a main Parent forum "Travel"

2. To create a sub-forum of a parent forum

 Again click on Add forum, but this time in the Parent Forum field, select a forum that you want this sub-forum to be inherited. We selected Travel as an example of parent forum.

On the Manage forum page, you can see Asia created as a sub-forum of Travel.

Based on your ideas, keep doing the same steps to create multiple main Forums and their sub-forums

Okay, now we know how to make a main Forum and child forums. It’s time to add some toptic to your Forum by creating Threads. From user front end> Forum> click on a category you want to add content. On the next page, click on the green button to create new thread.

Next, it takes you to the page editor as shown in the below screenshot.

Title:  give your thread a name or topic discussion you prefer

Content: provide content for your discussion topic in the text editor

Type: You can also set different thread types

Closed: The status of any thread you create can be open and closed. Closed thread means anybody can see the post topic but they can’t post new reply to it.

After all, click update to finish.