New Features / Improvements


Item Description

1Polish letters are displayed properly. (Github #2556, #2558)
2A message will show up to notify if a profile is set to Private. (Github #2545)
3Add First/Last to pagination to quick navigation. (Github #2519)
4Improvements on the layout when hovering on the username.
5Update language & phrases for verification messages & group name. (Github #2531, #2493)
6Hide 'Everyone' and 'Friends of Friends' in posting privacy when the privacy of Feed is set to "Friend Only'. (Github #2399)

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

1Can't access installed apps if phpFox Store is down or unavailable. (Github #2555)
2The status isn't updated after sending or confirming friend request until page refreshing.


Thumbnail image of user profile doesn't update until the cache is cleared. (Github #2565)
4The line break will automatically have an empty line added. (Github #2562)
5Can't cancel or save cover photo when repositioning.
6If the category list of a blog is long, the categories don't fully show up on the feed of user profile.
7The blocked user still appears when there is friend request to that user.
8Privacy settings are reverted when update Profile menu settings.
9Custom gender can be saved with 'space' character.
10The URL in a feed is not parsed again if there is already another feed with the same URL. (Github #2559)
11The deactivated menu will be re-activated after re-arranging menu order. (Github #2542)
12Site-wide block 3 or 10 is placed in unusual position after refreshing the page. (Github #2527)
13Searching with the custom field still binds to the previous parameters. (Github #2544)
14Remove hyperlink for all external URLs (Github #2563)