New Features / Improvements


Item Description

1Update phrases for Friend module
2Separate info of Age and Relationship with a dot (.) on the User Profile page
3Support CKEditor on Contact Us form
4Display warning popup when a user is redirected to external links
5Increase the complication of auto-generated passwords
6When editing status and tagging more friends, make the Update button inactive after clicking on
7Can edit status having Photo/Video included
8Can fitter by online users when browsing Users on front-end
9Can edit status having Link included

Bug Fixes


Bug Fixes

1In the Browse Members page, "Can search a users gender using the browse filter?" setting isn't applied

User can view status with a link posted in Pages in spite of having no permissions

3User can view a status having a link included in a Secret/Closed group although haven't joined the group yet
4Group's admin still need approval when he/she posts status having a link included in his/her own group
5When a group owner posts a status having a link in the group, having an error if using "Posting as" option
6"Disable All External Emails" setting in Spam Assistance doesn't work properly
7A user can view all status with a link without having view privacy.
8In User profile page, Add to Friends button still display after sending a friend request
9In Manage Ads page from AdminCP section of Ads app, all ads don't display after clicking on "Clear All Caches" button
10Status with a link on a page still displays after removing.
11Links added by CKEditor can't be opened in new windows although configured
12Layout issue when viewing User Profile page on Microsoft Edge
13Have an issue with displaying custom fields on the User Profile page (#2584)
14Have 500 error when installing phpFox with database username or password contains '$0'
15User can add a comment without verifying reCaptcha (reCaptcha V2 + V3)
16The content of email notification still shows variable (#2576)
17Layout issue on Poll feed item having long answers
18ACP - Subscriptions - Comparison - Feature name doesn't display fully when editing a plan comparison 
19Fix grammar on phrases
20Not all friends are suggested when tagging or mentioning friend on feed
21Status option isn't updated after sending or confirming friend request.