You are using phpFox version earlier than 4.6.0? Please refer instruction for this article here.

If you are unsure if your web server meets our products requirements, simply contact your host and send them this page.

Linux OS


Web ServerApache or (NginX + fpm)
PHP Versionfrom 5.6 to 7.2
MySQL Version4.1 or higher
MySQLi ExtensionRequired
PHP EXEC functionRequired
PHP GDRequired
PHP CURLRequired
PHP ZipArchiveRequired
PHP Multibyte StringRequired
PHP XML extensionRequired
PHP memory_limit128M or higher
Apache mod_rewrite (optional)Required for Short URLs
PHP exif_read_data (optional)For checking to rotate uploaded photos automatically.
Redis Cache + NodeJSOptional (Only required if using Instant Messaging app)

Additional Requirement for the Video App

If you want to allow users to upload videos from their computer, your server must be able to encode/transcode videos so that they can be displayed on your website properly. So:

Testing Server Requirements

1. Download our test script.

2. Unzip and upload the phpfox.php to your web server.

3. Visit the script via your web browser. (e.g.