On the Post Home Screen, the Search and Filter forms are added by default. You can follow steps to control the Search form of each resource.

Step 1: Create PostSearchForm class to control search options 


namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Form;
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Form\SearchForm; 
class PostSearchForm extends SearchForm
	public function getSortOptions()
		$sortOptions = parent::getSortOptions();
		$sortOptions[] = [
		'value' => 'is_featured',
		'label' => 'Is Featured'
		return $sortOptions; 
	public function getWhenOptions()
		return parent::getWhenOptions();

Step 2: Create Get Search From API

Improve PostApi class by adding the following code

namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Service; 
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Adapter\MobileApp\MobileApp;
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Adapter\MobileApp\MobileAppSettingInterface;
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Adapter\MobileApp\Screen;
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Adapter\Utility\UrlUtility;
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\AbstractResourceApi;
use Apps\Posts\Api\Form\PostForm;
use Apps\Posts\Api\Form\PostSearchForm;
use Apps\Posts\Api\Resource\PostResource; 

class PostApi extends AbstractResourceApi implements MobileAppSettingInterface
	public function __naming()
		return [
			'post/search-form' => [
				'get' => 'getSearchForm'
	public function getSearchForm()
		$form = $this->createForm(PostSearchForm::class, [
			'title' => 'search',
			'method' => 'GET',
			'action' => UrlUtility::makeApiUrl('post')
		return $this->success($form->getFormStructure());
	/* other code... */

Explain the code above:

Step 3: Configure Post Resource setting

You can override method getMobileSettings() in PostResource class allows configuring each resource. The code below will change the placeholder string, modify sort and filter options

namespace Apps\Posts\Api\Resource; 
use Apps\Core_MobileApi\Api\Resource\ResourceBase;
use Apps\Posts\Api\Form\PostSearchForm; 

class PostResource extends ResourceBase
	public $resource_name = "post";
	public $module_name = "post";
	public $title;
	public $description;
	public $text; 
	public function getMobileSettings($params = [])
		$searchFilter = (new PostSearchForm());
		return self::createSettingForResource([
			'resource_name' => $this->resource_name,
			'search_input' => [
				'placeholder' => 'Search Posts'
			'sort_menu' => $searchFilter->getSortOptions(),
			'filter_menu' => $searchFilter->getWhenOptions()

Step 4: Test result on Mobile App


 Step 5: handle the search form submission

When a user uses the search or filter menu, the Mobile App will submit an API request to get All APIs with all form's parameters. All parameters are auto-resolved and passed to the findAll() method as an array.