New Features / Improvements


Item Description


Add a setting to support hide block on certain devices (mobile, tablet and desktop)

2Include info of expiration date into a ban notice message. (#2693)
3Add a new setting to enable/disable Hide feed feature (#2711)
4Able to add the User Friends block to  any pages (#2712)
5Encrypt sensitive data of site configuration stored in the database.
6Support "Report, Edit" action options in the Feed Detail page
7Multi-step Registration - Validate fields of Re-enter email address and Confirm Password when submitting step 1

Bugs Fixed


Item Description


Content of notification email is bold unexpectedly

2Status with link is not updated after edited

When sharing friendship feed item, the Sharing feed item displays incorrect info

4Single line break containing URL is not displayed on a separate line in photo description for pages #2685
5In Check-in feed, the map doesn't display in the wall of the person mentioned