New Features / Improvements
ID | Description |
1 | Support Search Filters for Inactive Members and Cancelled Members pages in AdminCP |
2 | Not apply Word Banned Filters to content added in AdminCP |
3 | Clean permanently all user data in Database when a user account is deleted |
4 | Admin can add and translate phrases in content |
5 | Not reload Categories menu on the left when clicking on a sub-category |
6 | When adding/ editing Block in AdminCP, have Site Wide option explicitly in the drop-down for Page Setting |
7 | Auto synchronize old CDN Service config to Asset Handling after upgrading to phpFox 4.8.x |
8 | Admin can ban users by email domain |
9 | Tagged user will not receive related Notifications after removing the tag |
10 | Tagged users can remove the tag by themself |
11 | User can upload files with JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP file types |
12 | User can jump back to the recent feed item in the previous Page instead of reloading and turning to the top of the Page |
Bugs Fixed
ID | Description |
1 | Cannot crop profile photo if using the external storage system |
2 | Blocks with PHP Code type doesn't work |
3 | The phrase "View More" doesn't display properly in Listing details when disabling Feed app |
4 | Auto-loading more items when scrolling down doesn't work if Feed app is disabled |
5 | Layout issue after editing feed popup in Bootstrap template |
6 | Upload process is failed when uploading some images of a very high resolution |
7 | The Secure Image Display setting doesn't work properly with images in blog content |