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New Features / Improvements



1Support Search Filters for Inactive Members and Cancelled Members pages in AdminCP
2Not apply Word Banned Filters to content added in AdminCP
3Clean permanently all user data in Database when a user account is deleted
4Admin can add and translate phrases in content
5Not reload Categories menu on the left when clicking on a sub-category
6When adding/ editing Block in AdminCP, have Site Wide option explicitly in the drop-down for Page Setting
7Auto synchronize old CDN Service config to Asset Handling after upgrading to phpFox 4.8.x
8Admin can ban users by email domain
9Tagged user will not receive related Notifications after removing the tag
10Tagged users can remove the tag by themself
11User can upload files with JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP file types
12User can jump back to the recent feed item in the previous Page instead of reloading and turning to the top of the Page

Bugs Fixed



1Cannot crop profile photo if using the external storage system
2Blocks with PHP Code type doesn't work
3The phrase "View More" doesn't display properly in Listing details when disabling Feed app
4Auto-loading more items when scrolling down doesn't work if Feed app is disabled
5Layout issue after editing feed popup in Bootstrap template
6Upload process is failed when uploading some images of a very high resolution
7The Secure Image Display setting doesn't work properly with images in blog content
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