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New Features / Improvements

1Compatible with PHP 8.1
2For Amazon S3 storage, only require permission for a certain bucket instead of all buckets on S3
3Admin can add the phone number to ban filters
4Add a progress bar when users upload a cover photo
5Add the "Send Now"  option for the scheduled post

Edit user's profile:

+ Add asterisk on required custom fields

+ If missing required fields, all messages will be shown at the same time 

7In Manage Themes > Homepage - Support multiple languages for "Main content"
8Update "Signup with Google" using Google Identity Service

Bugs Fixed

1Could not change the privacy of the photo/video feed that having check-in
2When editing multi-line status to mention a user at the end of a certain line, a redundant blank line is injected automatically right after that line

Friend app's issues:

+ Even though Admin has turned the "Friends" app off, users can still mention friends

+ In the "Invite your Friends" page, no data is loaded in "Add to Friend" section

+ When users post status and tag friends, they couldn't like or comment on their Profile feed


Currency issues:

+ If admins change the order of currencies, the change isn't applied in the front-end until clearing All Caches

+ Admin can deactivate the default currency

+ If deactivating the currency that the user has set as their Preferred Currency, the  price of items is shown in the wrong format

Ban Filter's issues:

+ Admin can add ban filter with empty data

+ Ban filters can be duplicated

+ When searching for IP Address, an error code sometimes displays


PHP 8 issues:

+ Show 500 error when admin views log of importing history

+ In version 4.8.9, when doing a fresh install on PHP 8, the installation work could not be completed

7Browse Users page keeps loading if the site has too many users
8Feed/Comment - Users can still mention pending pages/groups
9On the Sign-up form, the custom gender fields don't display

Layout issues on Bootstrap:

+ On Feed, the layout of check-in is not displayed properly

+ On Sign-up/Sign-in form, the password field is too short 

+ On Sign-up, the text of the warning message is cut off


Photo's issues:

+ When creating a new album within a page, it does not load the created album on the 'Photo Album' drop-down and All Albums page

+ In the Recent photos,  the mature photos are not blurred on the user's profile page

+ If posting multiple photos with custom privacy, it only shows one photo on the feed for friends in the list 


Comment's issues:

+ In Bootstrap template, when commenting with the link, layout of the link preview is broken

+ Emojis are shown incorrectly after editing the comment 

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