New Features / Improvements
ID | Description |
1 | Admin cannot turn off the setting "Enable Registration using Phone Number" once the user account does not have an email |
2 | Support disallow access for user group settings |
3 | Support "Show password" feature |
4 | Support Ajax delete without reloading the page |
5 | Add a setting that admin can turn on/off 2-steps verification |
6 | Support removing old QR code in 2-Step Verification |
7 | Hide tab "Email Notification" if users only register an account with phone number and vice versa |
8 | Don't allow users to search the friend to mention on feed if the setting "Who can tag me in written contexts?" of that friend is "No one" |
9 | Reorder buttons on Confirm popup |
10 | Support for users can search members by phone number to add to the friend list |
11 | AdminCP >Members>Browse Users: Add loading icon when deleting user's account |
12 | AdminCP >Cancelled Members: Support feature that admin can delete multiple cancellation reasons |
13 | AdminCP >Storage System: Support merge added Storage items by Admin with configured Storage items from server environment |
14 | Support Search Members component for separate apps like Pages/Groups |
15 | New users can receive or send friend requests to others even the site is "Friends Only Community" |
Bugs Fixed
ID | Description |
1 | If enable "Multi-step Registration Form", it always shows "Captcha failed" when submitting the form at step 2 |
2 | Unable to update/save the settings with valid data |
3 | If the setting “Can edit privacy settings for other users?" is disabled, then Admin cannot edit other user accounts although they have permission |
4 | If the setting "Who can view your location?" is No one, other users can still view user's location in some places |
5 | In the Privacy Settings page, if turn Profile and SMS/Email Notifications tabs off, then could not view other tabs (Items, Blocked Users, and Invisible Mode) |
6 | Missing Captcha at "2-Step Verification" page |
7 | Missing "Multi-step" in sign up process when users do not input Anti Spam Question |
8 | AdminCP >Custom field - Edit Selection/Radio/Checkbox field - Can save field after deleted all options |
9 | AdminCP >Add Custom field - Save wrong field name if the name is too long |
10 | Can view a post on a friend's wall but could not like, comment on it |
11 | In the Account Settings page, users can update their full name which the length is greater than the setting in the backend |
12 | Error 500 when turning off module Invite but turning the setting “Invite Only” on |
13 | AdminCP >Members>Browse Users: Results is not synchronized between searching and exporting data |
14 | AdminCP >Search settings - Show duplicate setting when search "Gender" |
15 | AdminCP >XSS Attack - Custom field has name contains JS script - Show popup whenever access to page has the field |