App | Var Name | Group | Added version | Type | Default Value | Explanation |
attachment | attachment_valid_images | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | array | [ | Create Thumbnails |
attachment | attachment_max_thumbnail | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 120 | Thumbnail Width/Height |
attachment | attachment_max_medium | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 600 | Medium Thumbnail Width/Height |
comment | comment_hash_check | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Comment Hash Check |
comment | comments_to_check | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | integer | 10 | Comments To Check |
comment | total_minutes_to_wait_for_comments | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | string | 2 | Comment Minutes to Wait Until Next Check |
comment | comment_page_limit | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 10 | Page Limit |
comment | total_comments_in_activity_feed | n/a | 3.0.0Beta1 | integer | 2 | Total Comments in Activity Feed |
comment | comment_is_threaded | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | 0 | Thread Display |
comment | thread_comment_total_display | n/a | 3.0.0 | integer | 3 | Total Nested Comments |
contact | contact_enable_captcha | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | 1 | Enable Captcha for Contact |
contact | contact_enable_captcha | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | 1 | Enable Captcha for Contact |
contact | allow_html_in_contact | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | 1 | Allow HTML in contact form |
contact | contact_staff_emails | n/a | 2.0.0alpha2 | string | (empty) | Staff Emails |
contact | enable_auto_responder | n/a | 2.0.8 | boolean | 1 | Enable Auto Responder |
contact | auto_responder_subject | n/a | 2.0.8 | phrase | Thank you for contacting us | Auto Responder Subject Phrase |
contact | auto_responder_message | n/a | 2.0.8 | phrase | We have received your message and will reply as soon as possible. Have a nice day | Auto Responder Message Phrase |
core | section_privacy_item_browsing | general | 3.0.0Beta1 | boolean | TRUE | Section Privacy Item Browsing |
core | turn_off_full_ajax_mode | general | 4.4.0 | boolean | FALSE | Turn off full ajax mode |
core | title_delim | general | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | » | Site Title Delimiter |
core | site_title | general | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | SiteName | Core Live |
core | keywords | general | 2.0.0alpha1 | large_string | social networking | Meta Keywords |
core | description | general | 2.0.0alpha1 | large_string | Some information about your site... | Meta Description |
core | site_copyright | general | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | SiteName © | Copyright |
core | global_site_title | general | 2.0.0 | string | Social Networking Community | Site Title |
core | friends_only_community | general | 2.1.0Beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Friends Only Community |
core | official_launch_of_site | general | 3.2.0beta1 | string | Installed date | Official Launch Date (Month/Day/Year) |
core | search_group_settings | general | 4.6.0 | boolean | TRUE | Search user groups settings |
core | google_plus_page_url | seo | 4.5.0 | string | (empty) | The Google+ Business page URL |
core | meta_description_profile | seo | 2.0.0rc1 | large_string | Site Name gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. | Meta Description Profile |
core | global_update_time | time_stamps | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | F j, Y | Global Time Stamp |
core | default_time_zone_offset | time_stamps | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | 0 | Default Time Zone |
core | identify_dst | time_stamps | 2.0.0beta5 | boolean | TRUE | DST |
core | extended_global_time_stamp | time_stamps | 2.0.0rc2 | string | M j, g:i a | Extended Global Time Stamp |
core | conver_time_to_string | time_stamps | 2.0.0rc10 | string | g:i a | Time to String |
core | date_field_order | time_stamps | 3.0.0Beta1 | drop | MDY | Calendar Date Format |
core | use_jquery_datepicker | time_stamps | 3.0.0Beta1 | boolean | TRUE | Use Datepicker |
core | ip_check | server_settings | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | TRUE | Session IP Octet Length Check |
core | session_prefix | cookie | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | core | Cookie Prefix |
core | cookie_path | cookie | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | / | Path to Save Cookies |
core | cookie_domain | cookie | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | Cookie Domain |
core | method | 2.0.0alpha1 | drop | Send Mail Method | ||
core | mailsmtphost | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | SMTP Host | |
core | mail_smtp_authentication | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | SMTP Authentication | |
core | mail_smtp_username | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | SMTP Username | |
core | mail_smtp_password | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | SMTP Password | |
core | mail_smtp_secure | 4.5.3 | string | none | Secure with SSL or TLS ? | |
core | mail_from_name | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | null | From | |
core | email_from_email | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | Email | |
core | mail_signature | 2.0.0alpha1 | large_string | Kind Regards, | Signature | |
core | mail_queue | 4.6.0 | boolean | FALSE | Email Queue | |
core | mail_smtp_port | 2.0.0rc9 | interger | 25 | SMTP Port | |
core | check_certificate_smtp_host_name | 4.6.1 | boolean | TRUE | Check certificate SMTP host name | |
core | site_is_offline | site_offline_online | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | FALSE | Site is offline? |
core | site_offline_message | site_offline_online | 2.0.0beta4 | large_string | (empty) | Offline Message |
core | registration_enable_dob | registration | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Date of Birth |
core | registration_enable_gender | registration | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Gender Field |
core | registration_enable_location | registration | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Location |
core | registration_enable_timezone | registration | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Timezone |
core | global_genders | registration | 2.0.5dev2 | array | [ | Genders |
core | city_in_registration | registration | 3.7.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | City in Registration |
core | registration_sms_enable | registration | 4.3.0 | boolean | FALSE | Enable Registration using SMS Service |
core | registration_sms_service | registration | 4.3.0 | drop | Nexmo | SMS Service |
core | nexmo_api_key | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Nexmo API KEY |
core | nexmo_api_secret | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Nexmo API Secret |
core | twilio_account_id | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Twilio Account ID |
core | twilio_auth_token | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Twilio Auth Token |
core | twilio_phone_number | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Twilio Phone Number |
core | nexmo_phone_number | registration | 4.3.0 | string | (empty) | Nexmo Phone Number |
core | clickatell_api_key | registration | 4.6.0 | string | (empty) | Clickatell API Key |
core | enable_spam_check | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Enable Spam Check |
core | warn_on_external_links | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | External Links Warning |
core | disable_all_external_urls | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Disable All External URL's |
core | url_spam_white_list | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | large_string |
| URL White List |
core | disable_all_external_emails | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Disable All External Emails |
core | email_white_list | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | large_string | *, * | Email White List |
core | redirect_guest_on_same_page | n/a | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | TRUE | Same Page Redirection After Login/Registration |
core | auto_deny_items | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | interger | 10 | SPAM Count |
core | auto_ban_spammer | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | interger | 0 | Auto Ban Spammers |
core | exchange_rate_api_key | currency | 2.0.5 | string | (empty) | Exchange Rate API |
core | force_https_secure_pages | ssl | 2.0.5dev1 | boolean | FALSE | Secure Pages with HTTPS |
core | keep_non_square_images | cache | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | TRUE | Keep Non Square Images |
core | use_custom_cookie_names | security | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Custom Cookie Names |
core | custom_cookie_names_hash | security | 3.6.0rc1 | string | s6ks763s5h3)s (auto generate when install) | Custom Cookie Name Unique Salt |
core | protect_admincp_with_ips | security | 3.6.0rc1 | string | (empty) | AdminCP IP Access |
core | id_hash_salt | security | 3.6.0rc1 | string | iysduyt623rts (auto generate when install) | Unique Salt for ID Hash |
core | include_site_title_all_pages | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Remove Site Title |
core | crop_seo_url | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | interger | 75 | Crop URLs |
core | shorten_parsed_url_links | n/a | 2.0.0alpha3 | interger | 50 | Shorten Parsed URL Links |
core | words_remove_in_keywords | n/a | 2.0.0rc1 | large_string | and, i, in | Keyword String Removal |
core | no_follow_on_external_links | n/a | 3.2.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Add rel="nofollow" on External Links |
core | use_secure_image_display | n/a | 4.5.2 | boolean | FALSE | Secure Image Display |
core | allow_html | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Allow HTML |
core | unzip_path | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | /usr/bin/unzip | Unzip Path |
core | tar_path | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | /bin/tar | Tar Path |
core | zip_path | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | /usr/bin/zip | Zip Path |
core | cache_plugins | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | TRUE | Cache Plugins |
core | cache_site_stats | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | TRUE | Cache Site Stats |
core | ip_infodb_api_key | n/a | 2.0.7 | string | (empty) | IP InfoDB API Key |
core | keep_files_in_server | n/a | 3.2.0beta1 | boolean | TRUE | Keep Files In Server |
core | google_api_key | n/a | 3.2.0beta1 | string | (empty) | Google API Key |
core | include_ip_sub_id_hash | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | User IP Substring in ID Hash |
core | upload_method | n/a | 4.2.0 | drop | ftp | File upload method |
core | ftp_host_name | n/a | 4.2.0 | string | localhost | Ftp host name |
core | ftp_port | n/a | 4.2.0 | string | 21 | Ftp port |
core | ftp_user_name | n/a | 4.2.0 | string | username | Ftp user name |
core | ftp_password | n/a | 4.2.0 | string | (empty) | Ftp password |
core | auto_detect_language | n/a | 4.6.0 | boolean | TRUE | Auo detect language for guest? |
core | auto_clear_cache | n/a | 4.6.0 | boolean | FALSE | Auto clear system cache |
custom | hide_custom_fields_when_empty | n/a | 2.0.0alpha3 | boolean | TRUE | Hide Empty Custom Fields (Users Profile) |
feed | feed_display_time_stamp | time_stamps | 2.0.0alpha3 | string | F j, Y g:i a | Feed Time Stamps |
feed | feed_only_friends | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Friends Only |
feed | feed_display_limit | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | inteter | 10 | Display Limit |
feed | refresh_activity_feed | n/a | 3.0.0beta1 | integer | 60 | Refresh Activity Feed (Seconds) |
feed | feed_limit_days | n/a | 3.0.0beta3 | integer | 0 | Feed Limit (Days) |
feed | add_feed_for_comments | n/a | 3.4.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Add Comments as Feeds |
feed | enable_check_in | n/a | 3.5.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Enable Check-In |
feed | top_stories_update | n/a | 4.5.1 | drop | comment | Criterion to sort top stories in feed |
feed | enable_tag_friends | n/a | 4.6.0 | boolean | TRUE | Enable Tag Friends |
feed | feed_sponsor_cache_time | n/a | 4.6.0 | integer | 60 | Sponsor feed cache time |
Define how long we should keep the cache for the Sponsored Feed by minutes. 0 means we do not cache this data. |
feed | default_sort_criterion_feed | n/a | 4.6.0 | drop | top_stories | Default criterion to sort on New Feed |
friend | total_requests_display | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | inteter | 10 | Friend Requests Display Total |
friend | friend_display_limit | n/a | 2.0.0beta3 | inteter | 6 | Friends Display Limit |
friend | enable_birthday_notices | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | TRUE | Enable Birthday Notices |
friend | days_to_check_for_birthday | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | integer | 7 | How many days in advance to check for birthdays |
friend | show_empty_birthdays | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | FALSE | Show Empty Birthdays |
friend | friend_suggestion_search_total | n/a | 2.0.0rc12 | integer | 50 | Friends Suggestion Friends Check Count |
friend | enable_friend_suggestion | n/a | 2.0.0rc12 | boolean | FALSE | Friend Suggestions |
friend | friend_suggestion_timeout | n/a | 2.0.0rc12 | integer | 1440 | Refresh Friend Suggestions |
friend | friend_suggestion_user_based | n/a | 2.0.0rc12 | boolean | FALSE | Check Location for Friend Suggestions |
friend | friend_cache_limit | n/a | 3.0.0Beta1 | integer | 100 | Friends Cache Limit |
friend | friends_only_profile | n/a | 3.0.1 | boolean | FALSE | Friends Only Profile |
friend | cache_rand_list_of_friends | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | integer | 60 | Friends List |
friend | friend_meta_keywords | n/a | 2.0.0rc1 | large_string | friends, buddies | Friends Meta Keywords |
invite | invite_expire | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 7 | Expire invites timeout |
invite | pendings_to_show_per_page | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 9 | How Many Pendings To Show |
invite | check_duplicate_invites | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | TRUE | Check Duplicate Invites |
invite | make_friends_on_invitee_registration | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | TRUE | Make invited users friends with their host |
language | lang_pack_helper | development | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Language Package Helper |
language | display_language_flag | language | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Display Flag |
link | youtube_data_api_key | n/a | 4.6.0 | string | (empty) | YouTube Data API Key |
log | active_session | server_settings | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 15 | Active Session |
mail_hash_check | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | PM Hash Check | |
total_mail_messages_to_check | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | integer | 10 | PM Messages to Check If the setting to check if PM's are identical you can see here how many messages in the past should be checked. | |
total_minutes_to_wait_for_pm | spam | 2.0.0rc1 | integer | 2 | PM Minutes to Wait Until Next Check | |
mail_time_stamp | time_stamps | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | M j, g:i a | Mail Time Stamp | |
show_core_mail_folders_item_count | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Show inbox, sentbox and deletebox item count | |
message_age_to_delete | n/a | 2.0.0beta5 | integer | 20 | An Old Message Is... This setting tells how old a message must be in (in days) order to be auto deleted. | |
delete_sent_when_account_cancel | n/a | 2.0.0beta5 | boolean | TRUE | Delete Sent Mail When a user cancels their account should the system delete the sent messages? | |
show_preview_message | n/a | 2.0.0rc3 | boolean | TRUE | Show Preview Message | |
disallow_select_of_recipients | n/a | 2.0.7 | boolean | FALSE | Disallow Selecting Not Allowed Recipients | |
enable_cron_delete_old_mail | n/a | 2.0.0beta5 | boolean | TRUE | Auto Delete Old Mail | |
notification | notify_on_new_request | n/a | 2.0.0alpha4 | boolean | TRUE | Site Wide Notification |
notification | notify_ajax_refresh | n/a | 2.0.0alpha4 | integer | 2 | Site Wide Notification AJAX Refresh (Minutes) |
notification | total_notification_title_length | n/a | 3.0.0Beta1 | integer | 100 | Notification Title Length |
profile | profile_seo_for_meta_title | seo | 2.0.0rc4 | string |
| Profile Title |
profile | show_empty_tabs | n/a | 2.0.8 | boolean | FALSE | Show Empty Tabs |
profile | profile_caches | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Profile Tracking |
share | show_addthis_section | general | 4.6.0 | boolean | TRUE | Enable AddThis |
share | addthis_pub_id | n/a | 4.6.0 | string | (empty) | AddThis - Public ID |
share | addthis_share_button | n/a | 4.6.0 | large_string | (empty) | AddThis - Inline Share Button |
subscribe | enable_subscription_packages | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | FALSE | Enable Subscription Packages |
subscribe | subscribe_is_required_on_sign_up | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | FALSE | Subscription on registration is required? |
tag | tag_cache_tag_cloud | n/a | 2.1.0Beta1 | integer | 180 | Cache |
tag | tag_min_display | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 1 | Minimum Display |
tag | tag_days_treading | n/a | 2.1.0Beta1 | integer | 7 | Days a Tag Can Trend |
tag | total_tag_display | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | integer | 25 | Total Tags/Hashtags Display in Tag Cloud block |
tag | tag_trend_total_display | n/a | 2.1.0Beta1 | integer | 10 | Total Topics to Display in Item Detail |
tag | enable_hashtag_support | n/a | 3.7.0beta1 | boolean | TRUE | Enable Hashtags |
tag | enable_tag_support | n/a | 4.6.0 | boolean | TRUE | Enable Tags |
track | unique_viewers_counter | n/a | 4.5.0 | boolean | 1 | Unique viewers counter |
user | multi_step_registration_form | registration | 2.0.0alpha2 | boolean | FALSE | Multi-step Registration Form |
user | require_all_spam_questions_on_signup | registration | 3.5.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Spam Check Requires All Questions |
user | captcha_on_signup | registration | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Captcha on Registration |
user | verify_email_at_signup | registration | 2.0.0beta5 | boolean | FALSE | Verify Email At Signup |
user | min_length_for_username | registration | 2.0.0rc2 | integer | 5 | Minimum Length for Username |
user | max_length_for_username | registration | 2.0.0rc2 | integer | 25 | Maximum Length for Username |
user | on_signup_new_friend | registration | 2.0.0rc4 | integer | 0 | On Signup New Friend |
user | redirect_after_signup | registration | 2.0.0rc10 | string | (empty) | Redirect After SignUp |
user | on_register_privacy_setting | registration | 2.0.0rc12 | drop | anyone | User Default Privacy Setting on Registration |
user | approve_users | registration | 2.0.5 | boolean | FALSE | Approve Users |
user | disable_username_on_sign_up | registration | 2.0.5dev1 | drop | full_name | Display Full Name (Display Name) and Username on Sign Up |
user | allow_user_registration | registration | 2.0.7 | boolean | TRUE | Allow User Registration |
user | force_user_to_upload_on_sign_up | registration | 2.1.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Force Users to Upload Profile Image |
user | hide_main_menu | registration | 3.0.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Hide Main Menu |
user | invite_only_community | registration | 3.0.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Invite Only |
user | new_user_terms_confirmation | registration | 3.0.0beta3 | boolean | FALSE | Terms & Privacy Confirmation |
user | reenter_email_on_signup | registration | 3.4.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Force Users to Reenter Email |
user | require_basic_field | registration | 4.2.0 | boolean | FALSE | Require basic field |
user | signup_repeat_password | registration | 4.6.0 | boolean | FALSE | Re-enter password on sign up |
user | validate_full_name | spam | 2.0.0beta4 | boolean | TRUE | Validate Full/Display Name |
user | check_status_updates | spam | 2.0.0rc5 | integer | 1 | Spam Check Status Updates |
user | user_dob_month_day_year | time_stamps | 3.0.0 | string | F j, Y | User D.O.B (Month, Day & Year) |
user | user_dob_month_day | time_stamps | 3.0.0 | string | F j | User D.O.B (Month & Day) |
user | enable_2step_verification | general | 4.3.0 | boolean | FALSE | Enable 2-step verification |
user | hide_recommended_user_block | general | 4.4.0 | boolean | FALSE | Hide block "Users You May Know" in page browse user. |
user | captcha_on_login | login | 4.4.0 | boolean | FALSE | Captcha on Login |
user | prevent_profile_photo_cache | n/a | 3.4.0beta2 | boolean | FALSE | Profile Photo Cache Prevention |
user | redirect_after_login | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | string | (empty) | URL Redirect After Login |
user | login_type | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | drop | User Login Method | |
user | profile_use_id | n/a | 2.0.0alpha1 | boolean | FALSE | Profile User ID Connection |
user | user_profile_private_age | n/a | 2.0.0beta4 | integer | FALSE | Force Profile Privacy |
user | verify_email_timeout | n/a | 2.0.0beta5 | integer | 60 | Verify Email Timeout |
user | logout_after_change_email_if_verify | n/a | 2.0.0beta5 | boolean | TRUE | Logout After Changing Email |
user | display_user_online_status | n/a | 2.0.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Display User Online Status |
user | date_of_birth_start | n/a | 2.0.0rc11 | integer | 1900 | Date of Birth (Start) |
user | date_of_birth_end | n/a | 2.0.0rc11 | integer | 1997 | Date of Birth (End) |
user | user_browse_default_result | n/a | 2.0.0rc12 | drop | full_name | Browsing Users Default Order |
user | display_or_full_name | n/a | 2.0.5 | drop | full_name | Display or Full Name |
user | check_promotion_system | n/a | 2.0.5dev2 | boolean | FALSE | Check For Promotions |
user | enable_user_tooltip | n/a | 2.1.0Beta1 | boolean | TRUE | User AJAX Tooltip |
user | brute_force_attempts_count | n/a | 2.0.8 | integer | 5 | Brute Force Prevention: Attempts Count |
user | brute_force_time_check | n/a | 2.0.8 | integer | 0 | Brute Force Prevention: Time Limit |
user | brute_force_cool_down | n/a | 2.0.8 | integer | 15 | Brute Force Prevention: Cool Down |
user | enable_relationship_status | n/a | 3.0.0beta4 | boolean | TRUE | Enable Relationships |
user | default_privacy_brithdate | n/a | 3.1.0beta1 | drop | full_birthday | Default Birthday Privacy Setting |
user | no_show_activity_points | n/a | 3.1.0beta1 | boolean | TRUE | Show Activity Points |
user | shorter_password_reset_routine | n/a | 3.1.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | Shorter Password Reset Routine |
user | maximum_length_for_full_name | n/a | 3.3.0beta1 | integer | 25 | Maximum Length for Full Name |
user | split_full_name | n/a | 3.4.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Show Activity Points |
user | points_conversion_rate | n/a | 3.4.0beta1 | string | (empty) | Activity Points Conversion Rate |
user | can_purchase_with_points | n/a | 3.4.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Purchasing with Activity Points |
user | can_purchase_activity_points | n/a | 3.4.0beta1 | boolean | FALSE | Purchase Activity Points |
user | cache_recent_logged_in | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | integer | FALSE | Recent Logins |
user | disable_store_last_user | n/a | 3.6.0rc1 | boolean | FALSE | *Disable Last Time Stamp for Users_ |