Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Now that you have the code copied, change the line, line 8 in our code above, so that the data-src points to where your image is hosted. If it is on your server, like our example is, you would not need the full url. Since ours is in an /images folder in our public_html folder on our server, we would put it as the next example shows. You can also see that we changed line 9 in our code to add a line of info for the image:
Code Block
titleFinal Step
<div id="main-banner">
<div class="image_load" data-src="./images/banner.jpg"></div>
<div class="image_info">
Great Image!


If you want the front image to cycle through various featured photos on your site, this is how to do that.


  • First, make sure the user you are logged in with can feature photos. It might be a good idea to make only specific user groups, such as Admin and Staff, able to feature photos as any featured photos will show on the visitor page.
  • Go to your photo section ( or if not using short urls, and click on the image you want to make featured.
  • Click the Edit icon and select Feature Photo.
