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Listing To Do

The best way to fetching items with varieties of criteria is using service:

Put simply, a service is any PHP object that performs some sort sorts of "global" task. It's a purposefully-generic name used in computer science to describe an object that's created for a specific purpose (e.g. delivering emails). Each service is used throughout your application whenever you need the specific functionality it provides. You don't have to do anything special to make a service: simply write a PHP class with some code that accomplishes a specific task. Congratulations, you've just created a service!

IndexController will listing to do do items using Search, Browse and Pager Service.

  • Search: Generate search bar
  • Browse: Control how to query database
  • Pager: Control paginator


Code Block
// register service
    'todolisttodo.browse'=> Service\Browse::class,


Code Block

namespace Apps\TodoList\Controller;

use Phpfox;
use Phpfox_Pager;

//controllers Index controller must be a child of \Phpfox_Component class.
class IndexController extends \Phpfox_Component
    public function process()

        // Get phpFox core template service
        $template = $this->template();

        // set view title
        $template->setTitle('To Do List');

        // set view breadcrumb
        $template->setBreadCrumb('To Do List',

        // add your section menus
        $template->buildSectionMenu('to-do-list', [
            'Browse' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list'),
            'Create' => $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'),

        $template->menu('Add To Do', $this->url()->makeUrl('/to-do-list/add'));

        // set is in profile
        $bIsProfile = false;

        // Configure search form
        $search = $this->search();

        // get current view
        $sView = $this->request()->get('view');

        // form action
        $sFormAction = $this->url()->makeUrl('to-do-list', ['view' => $sView]);

            'type'           => 'todo',
            'field'          => 'todo.task_id',
            'ignore_blocked' => true,
            'search_tool'    => [
                'table_alias' => 'todo',
                'search'      => [
                    'action'        => $sFormAction,
                    'default_value' => '',
                    'name'          => 'search',
                    'field'         => [''],
                'sort'        => [
                    'latest'     => ['todo.time_stamp', _p('Latest')],
                    'most-liked' => ['todo.total_like', _p('Most Liked')],
                'show'        => [10, 20, 30],

        // Configure search service
        $aBrowseParams = [
            'module_id' => 'todo',
            'alias'     => 'todo',
            'field'     => 'task_id',
            'table'     => Phpfox::getT('todolist_task'),
            'hide_view' => ['pending', 'my'],

        $cnt = $search->browse()->getCount();
        $aItems = $search->browse()->getRows();

        // register pager service
            'page'  => $search->getPage(),
            'size'  => $search->getDisplay(),
            'count' => $search->browse()->getCount(),

        // assign variables to template
                'iCnt'         => $cnt,
                'aItems'       => $aItems,
                'sSearchBlock' => _p('search to do'),
                'bIsProfile'   => $bIsProfile,
                'sTaskStatus'  => $this->request()->get('status'),
                'sView'        => $sView,



Code Block
{if !count($aItems)}
    {if !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX}
    <div class="extra_info">
        {_p var='no_to_to_list_item_found'}
    {if !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX}
    <div class="item-collections item-collections-2">

    {foreach from=$aItems name=aItem item=aItem}
        <a href="{ permalink module='todolisttodo.view' id=$aItem.task_id title=$ }"><h4>{$}</h4></a>
            { if $aItem.task_status >0 }complete{else}in-complete{/if}
    {if !PHPFOX_IS_AJAX}
