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Versions Compared


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New Features / Improvements / Changes

1 Bring back feature "Login as Page" 

Recent Post in Forum does not parse code inline when user replies an image or attachments

 Define the unit (minutes) for Top bloggers cache time  
 In phpFox version 4.5.2, we hide the feature "Update Users Activity Blog Points" at Admincp -> Maintenance -> Counters temporarily.This feature was working wrong in the previous versions, we need to spend more time to analyze and improve it.



Cannot comment if enable setting "Comment Hash Check"


The video which uploaded from Facebook do not show thumbnail


Description of setting "Friend Only Community' still links to the setting "Section Privacy Item Browsing" (which was hidden from phpFox 4)

 A block with custom html in it which appears on the core.index-visitor page is disappeared

Cannot hide "Memberships" link on user menu


Can not load photo if phpfox CDN setting was disabled

 Missing phrases in many items

Can not tag friend in Edit comment field


Show secret groups while using global search if user is a member of these groups

 Missing the year in album detail while viewing Music app
 Support multilingual for categories of Contact in ACP
 Show error message if owner adds new widget to group / page without information
 Captcha in register form is cut
 When using the global search tool and clicking on members the "view more" button does not work

Do not translate app menu to other languages (only translate default language)

 Task 70