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Short Urls setting requires that your server support mod_rewrite. Check with your host to ensure you have this on your server before you try to enable short URLs.



This assumes you are already logged in with the Admin user and


are logged into the AdminCP.


Enable Short Url

  • Click Settings >> Short URLs


Image Added

  • Once you click that, you'll see instructions for enabling short URLs.

  1. First, you'll need some sort of text editor such as notepad++ or Sublime Text. Open your text editor and copy the code from the instructions into a file you name .htaccess (note the period in front of the file name).


  1. Upload the file you created to your server via FTP to the root (usually public_html, httpdocs, http, etc.


  1. Your host is the best place to ask if you are not sure. One way to tell if you are in the root is that you will see the phpFox files PF.Base, PF.Site, PF.Src).
  2. Once the file is uploaded, go back to your AdminCP to the Short URLs setting and click Enable Short URLs.




Disable Short Url

In case you want to disable Short Url, follow these steps:

  1. Delete file .htaccess that you have added when enable this feature.
  2. Open file PF.Base/file/settings/server.sett.php, find $_CONF& and set it to '2'.
Code Block

$_CONF['core.url_rewrite'] = '2';