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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

New/Deprecated/Remove Settings + New/Deprecated/Remove User Group Settings

The full list of updated settings and user group settings are written down in here. Please take some minutes to look over it.

Deprecated Functions

From version 4.6.0, below functions will be deprecated from the Core script:



Version to remove

Remove cache with type substr

This option isn't compatible with Redis/Memcached Cache. Instead, we support new function to group caches.



We also have some new hooks/plugins to support developers can make change on the core features:






Plugin called in notification template


Plugin called after purchasing with activity points completely


Support return multiple arrays in massCallback

Since this version, developers can return multiple arrays in a massCallback function. Example code:


return [
    'merge_result' => true,
    'result' => [
        // your return arays

Support Apps can define list of writable directories

From now, apps can define a list of directories that have to be had writable permission (example: your app need a folder to store upload pictures...)

Example for this configuration:


protected function setOthers()
        $this->_writable_dirs = [

For more information, you can get here

New template built-in function to add AddThis to your page

In 4.5.2, we had added 2 new settings to allow admin can integrate AddThis to their site. And now, for the purpose to help the developers can use it easier, we support the new template built-in function addthis.

Example code:


{addthis url='' title='Example' description='Description of example' media=''}

To get more information for this function, please visit here.

Support Apps can define list of external directories/files

From now, apps can define a list of directories/files that belong with the app but don't store in app folder.

Example for this configuration:


$this->external_paths = [
        'path' => 'PF.Base/example_folder'
        'removeable => true
        'path' => 'PF.Base/example_file'
        'removeable => false

For more information, you can get here

New Pagination System

In phpFox version 4.5.3. We will introduce the new Pagination System. The Core script will support 3 mode for pagination:

  • Scroll down to load more
  • Paging with Next and Prev buttons
  • Paging with page number

You can find the guideline for applying it for your apps here.

Support add settings for Blocks

One of the important improvements of phpFox version 4.5.3 is supporting settings for the blocks. From now, you can define settings for you apps blocks to allow admin can use or custom them easier.

Please follow the tut here to define and control settings for your blocks.

New Log System and Error Handler


sponsorships successfully.

The full list of supported plugins is on process for updating at here.


And More Update

New Paging Styles

Since phpFox version 4.6.0. Developers can control which paging style they want to use for their app listing pages. The detail instruction is prepared in here;

Some update for displaying Public Message

In version 4.6.0, we have added more parameters for displaying public message function:

Code Block

Phpfox::addMessage($sMsg, $sType, $bAutoClose)



Default value




Message content



Type of message. Available options: success, primary, info, warning, danger



Auto close the message popup after a period time

New template built-in function to displaying short number

We have implemented a template built-in function to support render number information in shorten format. In core apps, we apply this feature for all statistic information.

Code Block


Major Improvements for phpFox Settings System

In this version, we also have some major improvements in phpFox settings system. There are:

  • Support more and more types.
  • Support validation in admincp.

For detail information, please visit the below documents:

phpFox Sponsorships System

After checking and having some improvements, we want to introduce to you the guideline for working with phpFox Sponsorships system. Please look over here if it interests you.

Alert in Admincp

An amazing new feature for Admincp in version 4.6.0 is Alert section. The admin site will be announced when your products have new update. It also allow you notice/remind they when your app items need some approvals and so on. To working with it, please check out at here.

HTML Coding Standard

One of the main update in this version is HTML restructuring HTML. We want to apply a standard for phpFox template system. The detail information is updated here.

phpFox Template Utilities

From this version, we have planned to list down all built-in template utilities of phpFox. This can help you working with the platform more easily and effective. The working is on process and updating at here.

Adding Statistic Information for Users

Since phpFox version 4.6.0, in Browse Users page (Admincp), admin can view item statistic information of users. So, we prepared this tutorial to help you can integrate your app with this feature.

Support both Tags and Hashtags

Since version 4.6.0, Tags (topics) and Hashtags can be used at the same time. If you have plan to support both of them same as phpFox Core apps, please look over this tutorial.

Support Update Default Photos in Theme Manager

You want to allow admin can change some default photos that using in your apps? This tutorial will provide you the most simple way to do this.

checking Modified Files for Your Apps.

We have already supported to check modified files of third party apps. The one thing you need to do is export your app from phpFox core version 4.6.0. Please try it!